[miso-users] Definition of Bayes Factor

Ao Zhou aozhou at umail.iu.edu
Thu Jan 17 22:39:38 EST 2013

Hi, there,

I'm a new user of MISO.
I've a question regarding to the definition of BF.

On the MISO home page, it is said,
The Bayes factor is computed for the exon, which represents the weight of
the evidence in the data in favor of differential expression versus not.
For example, a Bayes factor of 2 would mean that the isoform/exon is two
times more likely to be differentially expressed than not.

And later it is said,
Bayes factor for the comparison, corresponding to the odds of differential
expression ,where the change in Ψ is non-zero) over no differential
expression (where the change is zero),

The word "differential expression" is a little confusing to me.
Let's use an cassette exon event for example:


Does BF describes the change of EXON2's expression or change in the Psi

As I know the change of EXON2's expression doesn't necessarily comes
together with a change of Psi value,
since its expression is affected by two mechanisms:
1) alternative splicing;
2) overall expression intensity of Gene1.

Please correct me if I didn't get it right.
Thank you!
Ao Zhou
Ph.D. Student,
Bioinformatics Program,
School of Informatics, IUPUI
Tel: 317-372-7004
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