Why build a NSIS installer?

Kevin Koch kpkoch at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 3 11:52:39 EDT 2008

If the NSIS installer is going to run a .msi, then why not use the full msi
installer in the first place?



-----Original Message-----
From: kfwdev-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:kfwdev-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of
Jeffrey Altman via RT
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 3:48 AM
Subject: [krbdev.mit.edu #6003] KFW: FEATURE: Update NSIS installer for

When built with VS2005, the installer must install the matching
redistributables.  This is done using the provided redistributable
installer for release builds.  For debug builds we must build our own
redistributable installer.

See what was implemented for OpenAFS.


[which says:]
For the debug build, build an msi from the merge modules
and then install that package.

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