C++ for Windows CCAPI server?

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 30 11:46:08 EDT 2007

>>>>> "Jeffrey" == Jeffrey Altman <jaltman at secure-endpoints.com> writes:

    Jeffrey> Kevin Koch wrote:
    >> Is there any reason to not use C++ for the Windows CCAPI
    >> server?
    Jeffrey> The reason we wanted to move away from C++ was because of
    Jeffrey> the fact that each time Microsoft upgrades their
    Jeffrey> compiler, they have broken our C++ code.  Hence the
    Jeffrey> reason we couldn't build with VS2005 for so long.  If you
    Jeffrey> are willing to take the risk that each time a new
    Jeffrey> compiler is issued that you will need to go back and fix
    Jeffrey> the C++ language utilization to remain compliant, then
    Jeffrey> C++ is acceptable for development.

I would bet that Kevin is going to be a lot more conservative in his
use of C++ than the CCAPI server.  ALso, the language is a lot more
stable than it was when that code was written.


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