[Kfwdev] Building in AFS

Kevin Koch kpkoch at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 19 14:12:47 EDT 2007

I was asked politely to duplicate Jeff's build in an AFS directory.  Here's
what I did:


*	Copy \user\j\a\jaltman\Public\KFW\bkw to
*	Replace bkw.pl with rolled back version, so build will be in
directory specified in passN-cfg.xml instead of in c:\KfW.  I have since
updated svn so bkw.pl in the repository is rolled back.
*	Change pass1-cfg.xml & pass2-cfg.xml to use kserver and to not sign.
[I can't sign.]
*	Change build-afs.cmd to use my directory; specify /USER on the bkw
command lines; use == instead of eq so that second half will run.


The first build completes and the results are in
\user\k\p\kpkoch\Public\bkw\test\dist.  The second build fails and I'm
looking at it.


To use the modified build-afs.cmd, you will need to:


*	Copy \user\k\p\kpkoch\Public\bkw without subdirectories.
*	Change kpkoch to your own username in build-afs.cmd.
*	Disconnect X: after the first try, or net use will fail.
*	Make sure to delete any pismere directory after the first try, or
build-afs.cmd will hang at the first bkw.pl.



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