[ecco-support] [EXTERNAL] adxx_sst and sss

Fenty, Ian G (US 329B) ian.fenty at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Mar 15 21:13:53 EDT 2023

Hi Emma,

MITgcm code within “#ifdef blocks” are only compiled if the variable is defined via a ‘define directive’.

Take the code block below as an example.

#ifdef ZZZ
 X = 1+1

The code X = 1+1 would only be compiled if ‘ZZZ’ were defined via a define directive.  The corresponding define directive is simply:

#define ZZZ

Define directives are added to the *.h files (like CTRL_OPTIONS.h) that you modify to configure your model setup.  After changing define directives in your *.h files, you have to recompile your code:

Take a look at the following lines from the CTRL_OPTIONS.h file used for ECCO V4r4:  https://github.com/ECCO-GROUP/ECCO-v4-Configurations/blob/bdaaf6308e8e09f08a52d28f559119ff34a59827/ECCOv4%20Release%204/code/CTRL_OPTIONS.h#L43-L45


I believe all you need to do to enable adxx_sst and adxx_sss is to add the following define directives to your CTRL_OPTIONS.h file and then recompile.


From: ecco-support <ecco-support-bounces at mit.edu> on behalf of Emma Boland <emmomp at bas.ac.uk>
Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 8:43 AM
To: ecco-support at mit.edu <ecco-support at mit.edu>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [ecco-support] adxx_sst and sss

Hi All,

I've been successfully running ECCOv4 r4 in adjoint mode and generating sensitivities such as adxx_qnet, adxx_tauu. I'm now interested in looking at sensitivities to SST and SSS, and can see from the ctrl package code that it should be possible to add xx_sst and xx_sss as control variables. I've run a short test and I am indeed generating adxx_sst/sss but they are coming out all zeros (other adxx files from the same run are non-zero).

Can anyone let me know if I need to do anything else to get adxx_sst and sss working? I can see from inspection of the code that the ctrl variable contributions are only summed if ALLOW_SS[T/S]_CONTROL are defined but I can't see where these logical variables are set?


Dr Emma Boland | Physical Oceanographer | British Antarctic Survey
High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET
emmomp at bas.ac.uk<mailto:emmomp at bas.ac.uk> | Phone: (0)1223 221276
Web: www.bas.ac.uk/profile/eboland<https://urldefense.us/v3/__http:/www.bas.ac.uk/profile/emmomp__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!KqAR5K2Ly_GVOlNnINtQg86KXmArMOpbpYV-3GovYvQSXdql-efsfa7dTakASpvvvhGygy7DFaNAn1k2pdjHFQ$>

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