[ecco-support] [EXTERNAL] ECCOv4-py and XGCM Module Import Error Concern

Wang, Ou (US 329B) ou.wang at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Dec 13 16:22:02 EST 2022

Hello Justin,

These packages can be installed on Macs. Regarding the error for using ecco_v4_py, I wonder if it is caused by an incorrect path. Specifically, the last “ecco_v4_py” in the path is not needed. So the updated code snippet would look like the following:

import sys
import ecco_v4_py as ecco

Ou Wang

From: ecco-support <ecco-support-bounces at mit.edu> on behalf of Justin Campbell <campbelljustin989 at gmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 11:56 AM
To: ecco-support at mit.edu <ecco-support at mit.edu>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [ecco-support] ECCOv4-py and XGCM Module Import Error Concern
Hello support group,

My name is Justin Campbell; I have recently begun an appointment as a research engineering associate with the University of Texas at Austin's Oden Institute for Computational Sciences. I'm reaching out with regards to errors that I'm encountering in importing both the ecco_v4_py and xgcm modules.

1) ecco_v4_py

To install this package, I pulled an updated version of the package from the repository and cloned into the project using  "git clone https://github.com/ECCO-GROUP/ECCOv4-py.git<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https:/github.com/ECCO-GROUP/ECCOv4-py.git__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!YtNhp3ONaYA1pCfmmhm_KBVZm8uoiQfKkIrDVGibOdRneTNljVtIEG1kko66MLNCWo8$> ".Then, I used the following snippet to tell the python interpreter where to find the package files and import into the environment:

import sys
import ecco_v4_py as ecco

When running this code, I receive an extended traceback error as shown in the first attachment "traceback_error_1".

2) xgcm

In turn, I installed the xgcm module using the following code

git clone https://github.com/xgcm/xgcm.git<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https:/github.com/xgcm/xgcm.git__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!YtNhp3ONaYA1pCfmmhm_KBVZm8uoiQfKkIrDVGibOdRneTNljVtIEG1kko66WGtvnMM$>

cd xgcm

python setup.py install

and I received a very similar traceback error as shown in "traceback_error_2.png". Now, it is important to note that I am running this code on a MacOS X operating system. Is it necessary to install these packages and execute code using these packages on a Linux OS such as Debian or Ubuntu? Please advise.

Best Regards,

Justin Campbell

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