[WinPartners] IS&T Rolls Out Windows 10

Sar Haidar shaidar at mit.edu
Tue Jul 26 15:33:27 EDT 2016


IS&T is pleased to announce the release of Windows 10 for use by the MIT community. Download and installation instructions are available on IS&T's Windows 10 Enterprise page<http://ist.mit.edu/windows/10/enterprise>.

Windows 10 on Deployed PCs

Starting August 8th, all new PCs deployed by IS&T will be imaged with the Windows 10 operating system. Additionally, Windows 10 will be the default selection for IT consultants using EPM Lite Touch (although Windows 7 will still be available if needed).

The move to Windows 10 is taking place for the following reasons:

  *   New hardware using the Intel Skylake processor will support Windows 7 only until July 2018<https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/11675/windows-7-windows-8-1-skylake-systems-supported>.
  *   Many drivers, such as USB 3.0 and NVMe, are native to Windows 10 and are included with the newly deployed computers.
  *   Touchscreen computers do not have full functionality with Windows 7.


IS&T's Windows 10 Enterprise page<http://ist.mit.edu/windows/10/enterprise> provides links to documentation about features, support and known issues. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the IS&T Service Desk at helpdesk at mit.edu or 617.253.1101. You can also submit a request online<http://ist.mit.edu/help>.


Sar Haidar
Manager, Hardware & Software Deployment
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
IS&T | Enabling Services | Hardware & Software Deployment
W91 - 101b | 617.253.8375 | shaidar at mit.edu<mailto:shaidar at mit.edu>

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