[WinPartners] Recommendation to Upgrade to Office 2010 and De-support Plan for Office 2003

Alexander Kozlov akozlov at MIT.EDU
Tue May 10 11:47:19 EDT 2011

Good Afternoon,

Information Services and Technology (IS&T) announced support for Microsoft Office 2010 for Windows in February 2011.

IS&T recommends that users upgrade to Office 2010 from existing installations of Office 2003 and 2007 for better performance, integration, and compatibility. IS&T will continue to support Office 2007, but will retire support for Office 2003 at the end of this fiscal year.

Here is the schedule for retiring Office 2003 at MIT:

*         May 30, 2011 - The Office 2003 installer will be removed from IS&T's Available Software page<http://ist.mit.edu/services/software/available-software>. The installer will be archived and provided by the IS&T Help Desk only upon request.

*         June 30, 2011 - IS&T will end support for Office 2003.

 How to Obtain Office 2010
MIT offers Microsoft Office 2010 through the Microsoft Campus Agreement at no direct cost to departments, for faculty and staff use, and for student use on MIT-owned machines. To learn more about MSCA policies with respect to students, see the Microsoft Campus Agreement: Overview page<http://ist.mit.edu/services/software/msca/overview#students>.

You can download Office 2010 from the Office 2010 at MIT page<http://ist.mit.edu/services/software/office/2010>. In order to install Office 2010, first unzip the contents of the office2010.zip file into a separate folder and then run the setup-MIT.cmd.

Getting Help
If you need assistance installing or using Office 2010, contact the IS&T Help Desk at 617.253.1101 or helpdesk at mit.edu<mailto:computing-help at mit.edu>. You can also submit a request online<http://ist.mit.edu/support>.

For documentation on using Outlook 2010, see the Office 2010 at MIT page<http://ist.mit.edu/services/software/office/2010>.


Alexander Kozlov
Windows Platform Coordinator
Software Release Team
Information Services and Technology
W92 - 140B
(617) 253-5103

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