[WinPartners] Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 - Full Support announcement

Alexander Kozlov akozlov at mit.edu
Thu Jan 28 10:41:23 EST 2010

Good Morning,

Information Services & Technology (IS&T) is pleased to offer full support for Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) running on Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7.

Starting January 28, 2010, IS&T will deliver IE8 to machines subscribed to the MIT Windows Automatic Update Service (WAUS)http://ist.mit.edu/services/os/windows/updates.

In collaboration with departments, labs, and centers (DLCs), IS&T has been thoroughly testing IE8 since its initial release by Microsoft last year and has worked on resolving compatibility issues with various internal and external sites. At the time of this announcement IS&T has found that:

- Upgrading to IE8 from IE7 works as expected preserving user settings, bookmarks, and MIT personal certificates.
- Before obtaining a new MIT personal certificate, users will need to run the MIT Certificate Tool for Internet Explorer http://ist.mit.edu/services/software/certificatetool/windows
- The MIT Certificate Tool for Internet Explorer is also needed for eCAT and SAPweb access. Additionally, eCAT users should see the Known Issues<http://ist.mit.edu/services/software/ie/8x/knownissues> documentation regarding a non-default selection for an IE8 Security Warning.
- The MIT Certificate tool is not needed for WIN.MIT.EDU<http://web.mit.edu/win/> domain users and they do not have to implement any of the workarounds documented for IE8.
- IE8's new features and improvements in security and usability will change to some extent how users interact with the browser.

For a list of all known issues with IE8, please review the web page at http://ist.mit.edu/services/software/ie/8x/knownissues.


For help with installing or using IE8, contact the IS&T Computing Help Desk at 617.253.1101 or computing-help at mit.edu<mailto:computing-help at mit.edu>. You can also submit a request online at https://ist.mit.edu/support.

IS&T has published IE8 product information for MIT at http://ist.mit.edu/services/software/ie/8x.

Important: MIT IT staff will *NEVER* ask you for your password, nor will MIT send you email requesting your password information. Please continue to ignore any email messages that claim to require you to provide such information.

Alexander Kozlov
Windows Platform Coordinator
Software Release Team
Information Services and Technology
W92 - 140B
(617) 253-5103

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