[WinPartners] Updates on Windows XP Service Pack 3

Alex Kozlov akozlov at MIT.EDU
Fri Jul 11 14:27:03 EDT 2008

Good Afternoon,


Information Services and Technology (IS&T) has been evaluating Windows XP
Service Pack 3 (SP3) for use in the MIT environment since SP3 was released
in April. Thus far, IS&T has found no conflicts between SP3 and MIT's core
services and applications and will begin supporting and providing SP3
beginning in mid-August. 


Earlier this week, Microsoft started pushing SP3 via its Windows Automatic
Update Service. Users who do not want to have SP3 downloaded and installed
automatically can prevent this by taking one of the following two actions:


*	Install the Windows Service Pack Blocker Kit found at:
-87d0-e2a72099edb7&DisplayLang=en> &DisplayLang=en> 
*	Subscribe to the MIT Windows Automatic Update Service (MIT WAUS)
server, which will start updating machines with SP3 later this summer. For
more information about MIT WAUS, visit:
<http://web.mit.edu/ist/topics/windows/updates/>  (Scroll down the page for
detailed instructions on how to subscribe.) 






SP3 is the last major cumulative update to the Windows XP operating system
before its retirement and includes new enhancements and improvements
backported from Windows Vista, such as:


-   Network Access Protection

-   Black Hole Router Detection

-   Windows Imaging Component

-   Product Activation Component (OEM and retail versions can run without a
key for 30 days, after which users will be prompted to activate)


For more details on Windows XP3 and a test matrix of major IS&T software
packages, visit the SP3 Release Notebook


For an overview of SP3 see:
-8D85-6BB4F56F5110&displaylang=en> &displaylang=en>


To see XP SP3 Release Notes visit:






IS&T recommends that Departments, Labs and Centers (DLCs) test SP3 in their
own environments before deploying it. 


Installing SP3 requires careful planning and preparation.


- Make sure that you have a full backup of your system and data before
proceeding with installation of SP3.

- Allocate enough time (at least two hours) for completing the installation.


Microsoft offers unlimited installation and compatibility support for
Windows XP, but only for SP3, until April 14, 2009. Chat and email support
is included. For more detailed information see:

131> &prid=11273&gprid=522131> 


Please note that you cannot use your PC during installation, since several
reboots will be necessary during the installation process.






For general help, contact the IS&T Computing Help Desk:

* Phone: 617.253.1101

* Email: computing-help at mit.edu

* Web request: http://web.mit.edu/ist/helpdesk/


Thank you.



Alexander Kozlov

Windows Platform Coordinator

Software Release Team

Information Services and Technology

N42- 250C

(617) 253-5103




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