[WinPartners] CD for MS Project?

Dave Woodruff dsw at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 14 09:39:11 EST 2008


Does anyone have a 'Cust. MLF Project 2007 Standard English CD' that I
could borrow?

I ordered one from GovConnection along with 7 licenses for my Lab,
and I need to install the software early this week.  I spoke to Mark
Wichelns from GovConnection, and he told me that it might take a week or 
two for them to get it from Microsoft.  I have already gotten the 
licenses, and I hope I can borrow the CD from someone...

Thanks for any help!


David S. Woodruff
MIT Lab for Nuclear Science
24-030g, MIT
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA, 02139
email: dsw at mit.edu
URL:   http://www.lns.mit.edu/~dsw
phone: 617-253-6943

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