[WinPartners] Win98

Barbara Santorella bsantore at rocko.lns.mit.edu
Fri Aug 8 14:17:04 EDT 2008


I found a win98 CD.  The box says second edition, but the disk does not, 
so I assume it's the original.  I'm at Bates Lab, so it would have to go 
down on the shuttle on Monday.  Will that work?

Barbara Santorella

Raymond L Goldsworthy wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to install Win98 to run an old piece of custom hardware on a lab machine.
>  But, understandably, no one has a Win98 install disc.  Can you help me out? I
> have tried online bootable discs but they don't seem to work with my drive.
> Thank you, Ray
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