[WinPartners] shstat.exe (in VirusScan) troublesome on new Thinkpad

David J. Broderick djbroder at MIT.EDU
Mon Jul 30 10:07:40 EDT 2007

I got some new Thinkpads. These machines have XP from factory.
Right out of box, I make sure Norton is not running (you can install Norton, but it does not come installed, and is not running).

On and otherwise out-of-box box machine. I install VirusScan 8.5 (newest). Sometimes, unpredictably as of yet, when I click on the shield in the system tray, the popup menu comes up in a semi-grayed-out view. Performance drops drastically, on both CPU's (dual core) get more than 50% usage hogged by shstat.exe and this usage never goes away. Sometimes it is even difficult to shut down the machine. Oftentimes, a reboot cures the problem, but I can't rely on these machines as they are.

I tried the older 8.5 (no "Dell" patch), but with same results. Curiously, 8.0 works!

Has anybody seen this?

David J. Broderick 
djbroder at mit.edu 
Audio Visual Project Technician
MIT AV 617 253 2808 
FAX 617 253 5945 
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