[WinPartners] Outlook and roaming profiles.

Michael Bryan mbryan at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 28 08:55:55 EDT 2006

I saw this same topic posted on another list I am on earlier this week.  I think this relates to the problems you have been experiencing.  I have cut and pasted the text from that e-mail below.

Hi Tom,

I checked some client machines and confirmed this is a problem with some of
the machines in win domain. The common error on the event log is the Event
ID 1517.

This seems a common issue when using roaming profile. I have seen this
somewhere else long time ago on windows 2000 boxes. MS now has a tool named
"User Profile Hive Cleanup Service" (UPHClean) to fix the problem.

The following KB has the details for the cause and resolution, also with
link for downloading the tool.

Troubleshooting profile unload issues

Please test it on the machines with the problem and give us feedback on it.



-----Original Message-----
From: pismere-bugs at MIT.EDU [mailto:pismere-bugs at MIT.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 5:47 PM
To: lensman at MIT.EDU
Subject: Re: [help.mit.edu #199486] AutoReply: Case 1016023: Problems with
outlook on winathena domain

Thank you for your message. This is an automated confirmation
that your note was appended to case number 1016023 in our tracking

Please keep the subject line above for future replies
connected with this case.

-----Original Message-----
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 17:46:39 -0400
To: Richard Edelson <redelson at MIT.EDU>
From: Tom Coveney <lensman at MIT.EDU>
Cc: pismere-bugs at MIT.EDU, tregan at MIT.EDU, "ditr at mit.edu" <ditr at MIT.EDU>
Subject: Re: [help.mit.edu #199486] AutoReply: Case 1016023: Problems with
outlook on winathena domain

    Hi Richard,

    We're seeing the Profile issue on a number of machines. What's
happening is that the users logout and for some reason the profile does
not release all the way, so that the next time the user logs in their
profile becomes C:\Documents & Settings\<username>.WIN, or
<username>.WIN.XXX (where XXX starts at 000 and increments on each
successive login)
    The error as reported was not one of the groups we support, which
was why I had forwarded the message to the migration team so they could
deal with it.
    Before we began migrating people to outlook, we had just been
occasionally cleaning the old profiles out, but when setting up a user
for Outlook the current version of the profile's path gets saved
somewhere, and on successive logins if that profile has been cleared out
either manually or automatically outlook starts to complain.
    I've been able to work around this a bit in one Dept where they have
a their own server, by using the OCFO, and moving their PST files to the
dept's server (as they had previously had done with Eudora), but this
runs into a couple of other issues, in where Oulook stores its filter
information. (as the OCFO needs to not save sent mail to the IMAP
servers directly because it has the same sort of timeout issue I see
with Thunderbird IMAP saving of sent files) But after the number of
hoops to make that all work they stopped their migration after two users
until the rest of the issues have been worked out.

Richard Edelson wrote:
> The profile issue is a separate issue the individual workstation is having
and DITR should troubleshoot that. This is NOT an Outlook problem. I
recommend that we close this pismere-bugs case.
> As for storing Outlook files on the server, this may cause the user a huge
performance hit and is not recommended especially for 10 meg networks.
However we will consider it as a feature request for those who wish to use
this configuration.
> Richard
Michael Bryan - IT Consultant
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
Information Services and Technology
E19-630, 617-253-8124
DITR Team Phone 617-258-5785
mbryan at mit.edu 

-----Original Message-----
From: winpartners-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:winpartners-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Philip R Thompson
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 4:21 PM
To: winpartners at mit.edu
Subject: [WinPartners] Outlook and roaming profiles.

I have a question for roaming outlook users.  When using roaming
profiles on windows, it is sometimes the case that path to the profile
changes as
phils, phils.WIN or phils.WIN.000 in "Docs and Settings".  Whenever this
happens outlook stops working and looks for the .pst and .dat files in
the absolute path C:\Documents and Settings\phils\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook.

Several faculty configurations have broken due to this.  Is there
something users do when this happens?

And since everything is in "Local Settings" outlook files don't get
copied back to their network profile. How do users move around?

Philip Thompson,
Thunderbird user

Philip R. Thompson
Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology              email: phils at mit.edu
Room 9-520                                           tel: 617-253-3535
105 Massachusetts Avenue                             fax: 617-253-3625
Cambridge, MA 02139
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