[WinPartners] Re: Fall 2005 Getting Started CD release effort underway

Peter Maloof pjm at MIT.EDU
Tue May 31 11:46:01 EDT 2005


> Today, most students have access to faster Internet connections both on 
> and off campus.

Instead of a CD, I suggest a downloadable CD image. It'd be easier to 
update, presumably less expensive and you wouldn't ever have to worry 
about software not fitting. Some students would have it installed before 
they even show up on campus, which is good for things like VirusScan. If 
you required certs to get it, you could even guarantee students have 
valid certificates.

> Linux:
> Adobe Reader 5.08

Version 7 is available, and far superior to version 5.08.

Peter Maloof
Server Operations Team
Information Services & Technology (IS&T)
pjm at mit.edu

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