[WinPartners] Winpartners September (early October) Meeting Agenda: 10/30/2004,N42-Demo Center, 3-4pm

Bryant C. Vernon bcvernon at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 1 08:46:31 EDT 2004

Hi All,

Please join today for the late September's Winpartners meeting. This month's meeting will be split into two parts:

Part 1 - Welcome: 
I will talk about the group's mission and purpose for those new to MIT.  

Part 2 - Windows strategy:
* XP SP2 update -- We will discuss changes that occurred in SP2, perceived and actual negative differences, potential gotcha's, etc.
* MIT Windows update service
* Retirement of win2K
* Overview of the Institute's strategy with regards to w2k servers
* Overview of resources available for depts that still have w/NT4 machines
* win.mit.edu update 
* Applications slated for release in the next 6 months 

Call for volunteers:

Do you like to talk in front of others about...
*products for which you've developed a singular fondness
*incredible feats you've accomplished with cutting-edge technology
*alternative ways to get things done at MIT
*software that MIT doesn't "officially" support (i.e. MS Exchange Server, MS SQL Server, etc)
*your expertise in a given area
*or how you've been able to get around roadblocks in the path of your work?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then MIT Winpartners would love to have you as a guest speaker. Please e-mail me (bcvernon at mit.edu) to discuss your idea or topic. All guest speakers will receive a 25 dollar gift certificate as a token of our appreciation.

All the Best,

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