[WinPartners] Microsoft Outlook 2003 Release Announcement

Kerem B Limon kerem.limon at MIT.EDU
Wed May 12 09:31:11 EDT 2004

At 04/05/11 18:10  Tuesday, Eduardo Gonzalez wrote:

>anybody seen this? I suppose I can get around by waiting long enough for 
>VirusScan to do its thing (or I !
>  could potentially just temporarily disable the On-Access Scan thingie). 
> However, I didn't think of this as normal behavior. One shouldn't have to 
> temporarily disable the antivirus program in order to install Micro$oft's 
> product. If others are seeing this though, I think it would be helpful to 
> include a note in the

Assuming the issue is related to the anti-virus product interfering with 
the installation, then it's neither unusual nor Microsoft's fault. In fact, 
most all installation instructions I have seen caution the user to turn off 
any anti-virus (and increasingly firewall) software temporarily during the 
install. This makes sense--especially on-access type automatic virus 
scanning can be a processor intensive, especially if the anti-virus product 
is set to scan inside compressed/archive files, which many installers contain.

The proper thing to do would be to scan the downloaded/inserted install 
media with the on-demand feature of your anti-virus tool if you have reason 
to suspect it's been infected, then temporarily disable it during the 
install. And some smarter new anti-virus tools can detect an installer 
being launched and ask you if you want to temporarily disable them during 
the course of the install process.

This, of course, is not a reason a note of this shouldn't be made in 
documentation, if there really is a widespread issue.


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