[WinPartners] VirusScan 8.0i Release Effort Underway Announcement

Bryant C. Vernon bcvernon at MIT.EDU
Tue Jun 15 14:29:01 EDT 2004

Date: Tuesday June 15, 2004
To: MIT Community: itpartners at mit.edu, winpartners at mit.edu, sw-release-announce at mit.edu
Cc: itag at mit.edu, is&t at mit.edu, kakapo at mit.edu 
From: Software Release Team
Subject: VirusScan 8.0i Release Effort Underway Announcement 

Good Afternoon, 

I am pleased to announce that the VirusScan 8.0i release effort has begun. VirusScan 8.0i will be the latest version of Network Associates' antivirus software for the Windows platform. Currently we are testing a beta version of the software and expect to release the final version shortly after the vendor releases it to market in late July.

New Features and Improvements to VirusScan 8.0i include: 

-Access protection
-Integrated anti-spyware functionality 
-Blocking (This feature blocks connections from remote computers which have infected files in a shared folder)
-Buffer overflow protection 
-Unwanted programs policy 
-Script scanning 
-Microsoft Outlook e-mail scanning
-Selective updating (autoupdate) 
-Alert manager (local alerting) 
-Repair installation 
-Error reporting service 

In addition to new features, there are several improved features:

-System utilization (on-demand scanning) 
-Resumable scanning 
-Scanning of compressed files

For more information on these and other features, please review the McAfee VirusScan 8.0i Beta II product page: http://www.networkassociates.com/us/downloads/beta/vse/VSE80i.htm.

The VirusScan 8.0i Release Team will send updates throughout the process. For more information on VirusScan 8.0i and the release effort, see the VirusScan 8.0i release notebook at http://web.mit.edu/swrt/releases/virusscan/. 

If you have questions, suggestions, or would like to participate in the release of VirusScan 8.0i, please contact the team via email at virusscan- release at mit.edu. 

All the Best, 

Bryant C. Vernon
VirusScan 8.0i Product Release Coordinator

Bryant C. Vernon 
Product Release Coordinator
Software Release Team 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
t: 617-253-5103
f: 617-258-8736
m: bcvernon at mit.edu 

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