[WinPartners] IS&T Update on Windows XP SP2

Deb Bowser bowser at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 25 13:20:42 EDT 2004

Date: Wednesday, 25 August 2004
To: MIT Community:  itpartners, winpartners, sw-release-announce, ed-tech
From: Software Release Team <winxp-release at mit.edu>
Subject:  IS&T Update on Windows XP SP2
Cc: is&t, itag, it-lead

Good day:

We wish to update the MIT community on the status of our efforts with 
Windows XP Professional SP2.  As we announced last week, users who have 
their machines configured to use Automatic Update will start receiving 
Windows XP Professional SP2 beginning today, August 25. Microsoft has 
indicated that they will ramp up distribution each day starting at 25,000 
updates and getting to 2.5 million updates per day.

We encourage users to configure their machines to use MIT's Windows 
Automatic Update (WAUS) which will not deploy the service pack until 
testing of SP2 at MIT has been completed and any major problems found are 
resolved.  Based on the current test results and feedback from the 
community, we do not anticipate a long delay.

To configure a machine to use WAUS, follow the instructions at:


For more information on ways to prevent SP2 from automatically
installing, see:


Beginning today, documentation for SP2 including new security features, 
security guidelines, troubleshooting tips and known issues are available to 
aid the community:  http://itinfo.mit.edu/product?vid=642

Any issues that we hear about will be posted on the Release Notebook at:


If you are testing XP SP2 within a test environment, we would appreciate 
hearing from you regarding your experiences. Please provide feedback not 
only on the problems you encounter but also on applications and services 
you are able to use successfully.

Please send e-mail with test results or questions to winxp-release at mit.edu.

Deb Bowser
QA Coordinator - Client Support Services
Information Services and Technology (IS&T)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room W92-176
Cambridge, MA 02139
bowser at mit.edu

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