[Waltz] Waltz lesson this Saturday -- cross-step waltz!

Sara Sheffels ssheff at mit.edu
Mon May 7 14:43:50 EDT 2018

Hi all,

Ken and I will be hosting another waltz lesson and dance this *Saturday,
May 12*. This one will be *3:00-5:30pm* in the Hulsizer Room at Ashdown
House (same location as before, but a different time!).

For the first hour, we will be teaching *cross-step waltz*, which is a
slower waltz form that allows for a lot of creative figures and won't make
you dizzy!  After the lesson, I'll be playing music at a variety of tempos,
so you can dance a mix of rotary and cross-step waltzes.

Richard Powers (who popularized this dance form around the world) has a very
informative website
<http://socialdance.stanford.edu/syllabi/cross-step_waltz.htm> about
cross-step, including a video, if you'd like a better idea of what we will
be learning.

Hope to see you there!

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