[TCCM] TCC March 9 Bulletin
Victor Medina
v_medina at mit.edu
Sun Mar 9 00:39:14 EST 2025
Hi Friends,
Hope you had a great start to this Lenten season!
Here is the bulletin for the week beginning on March 9, 2025, the First Sunday of Lent.
Mass Schedule:
Regular Sunday Mass Schedule (9:30am, 1:00pm, 5:00pm)
(All other days follow their regular schedule. See calendar for more details)
[Have an allergy to fragrance or incense? See Jan 5 bulletin for other options.]
Special Events:
TI-Lecture: On Sunday, 3/9 at 6:30pm we will have a lecture with the title “God, Mathematics, and Beauty”. Location: Student Center (W20-306)
Sacrament of Confirmation
Classes begin 11:15am in W11-128 (Chaplain's Meeting Rm). If you would like to receive the sacrament, please email Fr. Michael at mmedas at mit.edu.
(See bulletin for more details)
Recurring Events:
Back Bay Mobile Soup Kitchen Tuesday (6:30pm at Target in Central Square)- contact cjohnsto at mit.edu<mailto:cjohnsto at mit.edu> for more info
Rosary Friday (6:15pm, MIT Chapel)
Spaghetti Supper Friday (7:00pm, W20-401)
If you'd like your birthday to be celebrated at Spags, please fill out this form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeRf8Gb0bAL2JhbulbyemA0kY-HOy_zlz9mFO3xEkxQj2QZVA/viewform> so we can make you a birthday treat when it's the week of your birthday!
MITCatholic LinkedIn Group:
Scan the QR code in bulletin or see: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12783224
Slack Workspace:
*Event rooms and times are subject to change, see TCC Slack channel for the most up to date information. If you would like to get invited to the Slack workspace, please fill out the “Get Involved” form at: https://mitcatholic.org/get-connected#connect-form
In the love of Our Lord,
Victor Medina
tcc-webmaster at mit.edu<mailto:tcc-webmaster at mit.edu>
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