[TCCM] Help with Holy Thursday/CPW!

Liliana Arias lilarias at mit.edu
Mon Feb 24 11:46:21 EST 2025

Hello all,

tl;dr: We need your help in order to make CPW happen! Please sign up to volunteer if you are free on April 17 from 6-7:30 pm: https://forms.gle/NsCx1A6b13tSKWDi9
CPW this year begins on Holy Thursday and ends on Easter. As such, we have limited time and space in which to hold events. Because the Friday of CPW is Good Friday, we cannot hold our typical version of CPW Spags that day (although a smaller, solemn supper will still be held), so we plan to hold a large dinner on Thursday in the MDR. However, in order to make this happen, we need 15+ volunteers to help cleanup after the dinner/convert the MDR into the Holy Thursday prayer space.

Please sign up here<https://forms.gle/NsCx1A6b13tSKWDi9> if you are able to help!
In Christ,
Liliana Arias

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