[TCCM] Limited Space - February Retreat 2025

Michael Medas mmedas at mit.edu
Mon Feb 3 11:37:27 EST 2025

Limited Spaces Available -  Three Spaces Left:

Our February retreat theme is:  Failure: the Doorway to Freedom
A Catholic Perspective on Navigating the Turmoil of Life

February retreat  Sign up here<https://forms.gle/WScYHuTbF8p7cFYz9>!  Please join us for our spring semester retreat from Friday, February 14th, 6:00pm,  to Sunday, noon, February 16th (this is a long weekend)!

This is a new retreat center<https://www.ndspiritualitycenter.org/copy-of-about> whose accommodations are sponsored and provided by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur; we need to provide final registration information to the Sisters today.

Any questions, please let me know asap.

Blessings and peace,

Fr Michael

Reverend Michael B. Medas, MSW
Catholic Chaplain | Director of Catholic Ministry
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
40 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139

“Jesus loves you always, even when you don’t feel worthy.
When not accepted by others, even by yourself sometimes,
He is the one who always accepts you.  Only believe, you are precious to Him.
Bring all you are suffering to His feet, only open your heart to be loved by Him as you are.
He will do the rest.”  Saint Mother Teresa

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