[TCCM] Fwd: [Friday] Teleology and Chance in Evolution: A Contemporary Thomistic Perspective
Hope Heejin Kean
hopekean at mit.edu
Thu May 2 17:26:17 EDT 2024
Tomorrow at Noon there is a seminar on Evolution & Metaphysics! 🦧
Fr. Mariusz Tabaczek (OP, PhD) who just wrote a book<https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/theistic-evolution/6EC47023454A70B461133620DA6A2F8E> on Theism + Evolution with CUP and who is the director of the Project for Science and Religion<https://angelicum.it/TI-science-and-religion> in Rome will be the speaker.
There will be pizza :) probably Dominoes maybe Pinnochios 🍕
In faith & charity,
P.S. If you have trouble getting into the Catholic Center (at St. Paul’s, 29 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge) you can call/text me and I’ll let you in. (+12407439983)
P.P.S. attached is a summary article which has some of the concepts he’s going to be covering on the development of novel species in a theistic world model (he will be teaching these concepts at the seminar, so no need to pre-read)
Begin forwarded message:
From: Thomistic Institute at Harvard University <haidunliu at g.harvard.edu>
Subject: [Friday] Teleology and Chance in Evolution: A Contemporary Thomistic Perspective
Date: May 1, 2024 at 3:38:59 PM EDT
To: <hopekean at mit.edu>
Reply-To: Thomistic Institute at Harvard University <haidunliu at g.harvard.edu>
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Teleology and Chance in Evolution:
A Contemporary Thomistic Perspective
Dear friends,
This Friday, May 3rd at 12:00 PM, Fr. Mariusz Tabaczek OP will deliver a lecture titled “Evolution: A Contemporary Thomistic Perspective—Teleology and Chance in Evolution / Evolution and the Principle of Proportionate Causation”. The lecture will take place in the Boles Room in the Harvard Catholic Center<https://harvard.us21.list-manage.com/track/click?u=aad96452cab00b6c32b6852a7&id=b9865c6fe8&e=e25478b35f> (29 Mt Auburn St, Cambridge, MA 02138). Pizza and light beverages will be served.
Fr. Mariusz Tabaczek OP is a Professor of Theology at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome, and was a faculty fellow at the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study. He is a Polish Dominican and served as a director of Studium Dominicanum in Warsaw. A respected scholar in the science–theology dialogue, his focus includes issues concerning creation theology, divine action, and evolutionary theory. His published works include Emergence: Towards A New Metaphysics And Philosophy Of Science (Notre Dame Press, 2019) and Divine Action And Emergence: An Alternative To Panentheism (Notre Dame Press, 2021).
Looking forward to seeing you there,
Reed, Haidun, and Hope
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