[TCCM] Join the Committees of TCC Council!!!
Liliana R Arias
lilarias at mit.edu
Tue Feb 6 18:15:04 EST 2024
Interested in serving others through becoming more involved with the Tech Catholic Community? Would you like to use your skills to help TCC thrive?
If so, we would love to have you join the committees of TCC Council as members! Please sign up here<https://forms.gle/AAKrov2Gtam88uZy5> and we’ll reach out to talk to you!
The committees of TCC Council are described below. Each committee is managed by an executive team member, and is led by a committee chair.
Outreach Committee: (Exec/Committee Chair: Liliana Arias, lilarias at mit.edu<mailto:lilarias at mit.edu>)
What we do:
-Help with events for REX and CPW
-Plan events that help to grow the community (such as a Gingerbread House building event co-sponsored with Weekends at MIT and a joint Spaghetti Supper with Cru)
-Help with postering around campus and posting on the TCC instagram and Facebook
-Freshmen-specific outreach
Service Committee: (Exec: Raul Hernandez, rhern at mit.edu<mailto:rhern at mit.edu> || Committee Chair: Annastina Taboada)
What we do:
-Host events that serve and provide assistance to the local Boston community
-Work with organizations like Encounter Boston to run events to serve the homeless
-Assist with the weekly Back Bay Mobile Soup Kitchen
-Run other service events that are planned for the semester
We are also seeking a second Service committee chair, who is essentially responsible for planning and leading the events described above!
Education Committee: (Exec/Committee Chair: Raul Hernandez, rhern at mit.edu<mailto:rhern at mit.edu>)
What we do:
-Host lectures by speakers sponsored by the Thomistic Institute (TI) and Catherine McLaughlin-Hakim Fund
-Run follow-up discussions for lectures that are given in the TCC
-Host lectures/presentations given by Fr. Michael on the Catholic faith
-Work on TI-specific events provided by the organization
Spiritual Life Committee: (Exec: Raul Hernandez, rhern at mit.edu<mailto:rhern at mit.edu> || Committee Chair: Cesar Meza)
What we do:
-Plan and execute the semesterly TCC retreat
-Organize prayer events that occur during the semester, like rosary, Liturgy of the Hours, and more
Fellowship: (Exec/Committee Chair: Tara Sheehan, sheehant at mit.edu<mailto:sheehant at mit.edu>)
What we do:
-Host weekly Spaghetti Supper on Fridays, Coffee and Donuts after the 9:30am and 1pm Sunday Masses, and Pizza and Pop after the 5pm Mass
-Plan monthly parties to foster friendships in the community, such as our Welcome Back parties, dances, and other socials
Please contact the Executive Group Leads for more information!
In Christ,
Liliana Arias
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