[TCCM] Apple Picking Trip w/Tech Catholic Community!

Liliana R Arias lilarias at mit.edu
Fri Sep 8 23:25:57 EDT 2023

[https://res-h3.public.cdn.office.net/assets/mail/file-icon/png/photo_16x16.png]Apple picking.png<https://mitprod-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/lilarias_mit_edu/EWKEl64CdZxFpAceVoNcnDcBejClRf5KegekfFJsMs68aw>

Hello all,

On Saturday, September 23, MIT Tech Catholic Community will be holding an apple picking trip to Honey Pot Hill Orchards. Here is the schedule for the trip:

-Optional daily Mass at St. Clement's at 11 am (we will meet outside W11 at 10:30 am to walk over)

-Leave from in front of W11 at 12:30 (transportation will be provided!)
-Arrive at orchard around 1:30
-Leave orchard around 4
-Return to campus around 5

We have limited spots, so it is possible you may be placed on a waitlist, but we will do all we can to make sure everyone who would like to is able to attend. If you have a car and are willing to drive, or if you are willing to drive a rented Zipcar, please email tcc-exec at mit.edu. Thank you, and I'm very excited to enjoy the fall weather with many of you!

Please sign up here: https://forms.gle/g3s3g2rwr9EVvfZs8

In Christ,
Liliana Arias

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