Michael Medas mmedas at mit.edu
Mon Jan 23 13:14:34 EST 2023

MIT Catholic Community IAP Lecture Series:
“Finding the Purpose of Your Life!”
Lectures will occur on January 23, 24, 25, 2023, in the Student Center/Mezzanine Lounge(W20-307).

7:15pm: Refreshments served
7:30pm: Lecture begins
8:30pm: Q & A session, 30 minutes

  *   The first night will focus on Saint Thomas Aquinas’ insight that “grace builds on nature.” It will focus on living one’s own life, and not the life others want of you. This lecture will be offered by Fr. Michael Medas, MSW, MIT Catholic Chaplain.

  *   The second night Brother Matthew Pinson, SJ, will offer a presentation on Ignatian spirituality, how that spirituality makes sense/integrates into daily life, and the Ignatian method of prayer. Br Pinson holds a Ph.D. in Physics (2014) from MIT.

  *   The third night will focus on Benedictine spirituality (Ora et Labora), how that spirituality can integrate into the daily life of an academic (student/researcher/faculty member), and an explanation of lectio divina. Fr. Titus Phelan, O.S.B., a monk of Saint Anselm Abbey in Manchester, New Hampshire, will offer this lecture.

If you want to live a deeply purpose-filled life, do not miss these lectures.

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