[TCCM] TCC Prayer Bouquet

Carene T Umubyeyi cumubyey at mit.edu
Wed Dec 9 09:08:26 EST 2020

Hi everyone!

Hope you’re doing well.
Just wanted to announce that the FOCUS team has put together a virtual prayer bouquet this Advent season for the intentions of our TCC community, especially for all those in our lives who have been affected by the pandemic. To participate, you can fill out this google form<https://forms.gle/8vgLavsEfZgJCHDw9>
to list any intentions that you would like prayers for, and then we will collect them and put them in a spreadsheet. This second form<https://forms.gle/DMQpfeY1CXwbabbF9> has the link to the spreadsheet with all the intentions we receive and a place where people can sign up to pray for or offer up Masses for other people’s intentions. The spreadsheet will continue to be updated as we continue to receive new prayer intentions. This will be a great way for us to continue praying for one another, and we would love it if many of you join!

Let us know if you have any questions.

In Christ,

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