[TCCM] TCC Bulletin 5 April 2020

Marisa D Hoosen mhoosen at mit.edu
Sat Apr 4 16:59:05 EDT 2020

Hello friends!

This is the bulletin for the week starting on Sunday, April 5, 2020.

Upcoming Events

  *   Virtual Coffee and Donuts 12-2pm EDT (including this Sunday!)
  *   Deo gratias!
  *   CPW Virtual Midway

Tech Catholic Community Updates

  *   TCC Website
  *   Slack
  *   Bible Studies and Catholic Small Groups
  *   Upcoming Virtual Events


  *   Stay in Touch
  *   Alumni Email List
  *   Support Your Local Parish
  *   Donations and Update Religious Affiliation
  *   Resources

Virtual Coffee and Donuts: We’re having Virtual Coffee and Donuts<https://mit.zoom.us/j/513251102> every Sunday from 12-2 pm Eastern. (The link is on the TCC calendar<https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=N283MDB2aG5scmxraGpjN280dmNnYWo1YjBfMjAyMDA0MDVUMTYwMDAwWiA3aG5ncXR1NzB0MDhpN29nb29qdWllOWJjOEBn&tmsrc=7hngqtu70t08i7ogoojuie9bc8%40group.calendar.google.com&scp=ALL> as well.) Come join us and take part in the community.
Deo gratias!  Father Moloney received permission from the Archdiocese of Boston to baptize and confirm all those in RCIA before they went home, and so we have four new Catholics<https://www.dropbox.com/s/8tauh4ix9otuvq0/Baptized%20and%20Confirmed%202020.jpg?dl=0> as of Friday, March 13.
CPW Virtual Midway: MIT is hosting a virtual Midway for new students on April 18 from 1-3 pm, and is inviting all student organizations to participate. If you have any ideas for how to improve our online presentation so that people know what we are and do—and in particular, if you’d like to help make your ideas a reality—we also have Slack channel for that<https://mit-tcc.slack.com/archives/C01103N02S2>.
TCC Website: The TCC Website now has a tab<http://tcc.mit.edu/tcc-covid-19-response> just for quarantine-related information and events. (The “viruscation” has forced us to pay more attention to the website, and so we’ve been gradually adding to it.)
Slack: We now have a Slack workspace (mit-tcc.slack.com), which is a mix of practical suggestions on what to do during these time and random or silly stuff. Please email tcc-webmaster at mit.edu<mailto:tcc-webmaster at mit.edu> if you need assistance to join. And please join, especially if you have an idea for us to try something new.
Bible Study and Catholic Small Groups: If you’ve been thinking about joining a Bible study or other Catholic small group, they’re still happening. We even have a Slack channel for joining/organizing those<https://mit-tcc.slack.com/archives/C011B1FMQHM>.
Check out our Calendar<http://tcc.mit.edu/calendar> for our upcoming virtual events! And add it to your Google calendar<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r?cid=7hngqtu70t08i7ogoojuie9bc8@group.calendar.google.com>.

  *   Father Moloney's Zoom "Office" Hours will be from 2-3 MWF and 4-5 on TThS. No appointment needed: https://mit.zoom.us/j/8094145563. If you'd rather make an appointment, between 10am-10pm any day (including weekends), reach out to him directly: dmoloney at mit.edu<mailto:dmoloney at mit.edu>, or on the TCC Slack channel. (The link is in the TCC Calendar<https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=MDBxbHNycnZrbGpycjkxdjhiZ2oydm9xNTlfMjAyMDA0MDZUMTgwMDAwWiA3aG5ncXR1NzB0MDhpN29nb29qdWllOWJjOEBn&tmsrc=7hngqtu70t08i7ogoojuie9bc8%40group.calendar.google.com&scp=ALL> as well—you might sense a theme)
  *   The Woman’s Marriage Discernment group had a meeting this week<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r/week/2020/3/31?eid=XzZnc2o2Z3BoOGtyNDZiOWc4NHA0MmI5azg1MWplYmEyOHAxM2FiOWs2a3BqMmgyMzhjcjNpaGEyODQgN2huZ3F0dTcwdDA4aTdvZ29vanVpZTliYzhAZw&ctz=America/New_York&sf=true>. Contact tcc.marriage.vocation at gmail.com<mailto:tcc.marriage.vocation at gmail.com> if you’d like to learn about their next one.
  *   The graduate students have moved their Wednesday night hangouts<https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=N2h0bTU1bHBhcTA3Z2ozcDBqcWFpMWpyN2xfMjAyMDA0MDFUMjMxNTAwWiA3aG5ncXR1NzB0MDhpN29nb29qdWllOWJjOEBn&tmsrc=7hngqtu70t08i7ogoojuie9bc8%40group.calendar.google.com&scp=ALL> online<https://mit.zoom.us/j/414352650>.
  *   We’ll keep adding events to the calendar, and so the easiest way to know about them is to subscribe to the calendar<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r?cid=7hngqtu70t08i7ogoojuie9bc8@group.calendar.google.com>!

Stay in Touch: Join our main TCC email list<https://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/tccm>.
Alumni Email List: (If you're not returning to MIT) (for example, you’re graduating), you might want to join our alumni email list<https://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/tcc-alumni> (which also has a local version<http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/tcc-local-alumni> if you're graduating but want to find out about lectures and campus events, but don’t want to stay on this list).
Support your local parish: If you attend a local parish while in Boston and want to support it while you're away (so that it's still here when you return!), find it on this menu<https://bcatholic.sites.bostoncatholic.org/form/giving-form?fid=4916>.
Donations and Update Religious Affiliation: Now is also a good time to consider a recurring donation to the TCC<http://tcc.mit.edu/donate>, and to update your religious affiliation on your <http://student.mit.edu/cgi-docs/student.html> Biographic record<http://student.mit.edu/cgi-docs/student.html> (for current students).

  *   Our subscription to Formed.Org Catholic Content: TCC.formed.org<http://tcc.formed.org>
  *   Fr. Moloney’s personal blog: Spiritualdirections.tumblr.com<http://spiritualdirections.tumblr.com>
  *   Fr. Moloney’s first book, Mercy: What Every Catholic Should Know, is shipping from Ignatius Press on Tuesday (4/7): https://www.ignatius.com/Mercy-P3601.aspx. The e-book should be available then as well.

In Christ, through Mary, Mother of Life,
Marisa Hoosen
tcc-webmaster at mit.edu<mailto:tcc-webmaster at mit.edu>

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