[TCCM] TCC Bulletin 13 October 2019
Kevin Limanta
klimanta at mit.edu
Sat Oct 12 10:24:14 EDT 2019
Hey friends!
Here is the bulletin for week starting on Sunday, October 13, 2019. Bulletin is attached.
Bulletin link: http://web.mit.edu/tcc/archives/public/bulletin/2019/bulletin.2019-10-13.pdf
This week's main contents are:
* Thomistic Institute Talk: Can Nature Make Laws? An Intro to Natural Law Tradition
* Melchizedek group for Priestly Vocations
* Fiat Group for Women's Discernment
* Women's marriage discussion group
Weekly ongoing and other events:
* Service opportunity
* St Monica Society
* Integrity at MIT
* Grad Student / young professional Bible studies
* Small group Bible Studies for undergrads and grad students
* Spaghetti Supper
* Prison Ministry in Boston
* Join the Choir!
* Drop in grief support group
Thomistic Institute Talk: Can Nature Make Laws? An Intro to Natural Law Tradition Natural law is the attempt to derive moral rules from our rational study of human nature and the world. A lot of Catholic moral teachings, especially about sex and human dignity, are derived from natural reason and explained in terms that should be accessible to people who are open to being reasoned with. For our first Thomistic Institute talk of the year, Prof. Raymond Hain of Providence College’s philosophy department will give a lecture on the basics of the natural law tradition of moral reasoning. Thursday, Oct. 17, Room 3-270, 5:30 PM
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and Course in the Fundamentals of the Catholic Faith:
Fr. Moloney will be offering a class in the fundamentals of the Catholic faith on Sundays @ 11:15 AM in W11/SDR. The class will cover everything from the Trinity to Church history to the Sacraments, prayer, and the moral life. It is meant to be both a high-level introduction to the faith appropriate for interested non-Catholics, and a serious review of the faith for those who are Catholics. It is required for those in becoming Catholic, being Baptized, receiving First Communion, or being Confirmed (who should also reach out to Fr. Moloney to set up a time to talk individually (dmoloney at mit.edu).
Melchizedek Group for Priestly Vocations: Fr. Moloney will lead a discussion group about the nature of the priestly vocation and how to discern if God is calling you to the “order of Melchizedek” (Heb. 5:6, 7:17) using the book To Save a Thousand Souls. We meet on Mondays 5-6PM. To attend doesn’t mean that you are thinking about entering the seminary, or even that you’re not dating. It can simply mean that you’re interested in supporting others think about the priesthood. Contact mteodros at mit.edu<mailto:mteodros at mit.edu> if interested. Books are available from Father's office in W11.
Women's Marriage Discussion Group. This new group will be meeting every other week to discuss marriage as a vocation. It is open to all women (i.e. you do not need to be married). Our next meeting is Tuesday Oct. 22 at 6 PM at W20's first floor meeting room (by MITFCU) and we will discuss "Marriage and the Self: Knowing oneself before and after marriage." Please email tcc.marriage.vocation at gmail.com<mailto:tcc.marriage.vocation at gmail.com> for additional details or to be added to the group's listerv. Dinner will be served and kids are welcome.
Fiat Group for Women’s Discernment:: Fr. Moloney will lead a reading and discussion group about the nature of the vocation to celibacy in religious life, and how to discern if God is calling us to be “like the angels in heaven" (Matthew 22:30). Meeting times Wednesdays at 6-7 PM. To attend doesn’t mean that you are thinking about entering the convent, or even that you’re not dating. It can simply mean that you’re interested in supporting others who are thinking about religious life. If interested, Contact gwynethj at mit.edu<mailto:gwynethj at mit.edu> if interested. Copies of the book Discerning Religious Life are available in the office in W11-012
Service Opportunity: On October 18 and 19 there is an awesome service opportunity to help Boston’s homeless community. Young adults from across Boston will gather to give out sandwiches and clothing to homeless people in the Commons, so you can meet other Catholic students while doing service! If anyone wants more information feel free to reach out to munnen at mit.edu<mailto:munnen at mit.edu>.
Announcing the St. Monica Society to pray for family members who are not close to the faith. Info: tcc-pc at mit.edu<mailto:tcc-pc at mit.edu>
Integrity at MIT: Do you have trouble staying chaste? Are you tired of failing to live up to your virtues? Join a peer support group of Catholic men struggling for chastity. Contact integrity at mit.edu<mailto:integrity at mit.edu> for more information and times of weekly meetings.
Are you a Graduate Student or Young Professional interested in deepening your Catholic faith and understanding of Scripture? The grad men's and women's groups will be holding weekly Bible studies during the semester. Contact Brandon Roach (roachb at mit.edu<mailto:roachb at mit.edu>) or Aileen Devlin (amdevlin at mit.edu<mailto:amdevlin at mit.edu>) for more info.
Small Group Bible Studies: Graduate and undergraduate students are invited to join one of the many groups that meet to open the Scriptures and discuss the faith. Contact.. catherine.alex at focus.org or phillip.wullschleger at focus.org<mailto:phillip.wullschleger at focus.org>
Spaghetti Suppers: Join the TCC every Friday night from 7-9 PM in W11 Comm. Rm for a free spaghetti supper!
Prison Ministry in Boston: MIT Student OPS (Operation Prisoner to Soldier) is an MIT outreach program partnered with TEJI (The Educational Justice Institute). More info and questions contact Jacqueline Pedlow (jpedlow at mit.edu<mailto:jpedlow at mit.edu>).
Drop-in Grief Support Group: Tuesdays from 5–6pm in W20-303. Open to students of all religious, spiritual, moral, and ethical viewpoints. See http://calendar.mit.edu/event/life_after_loss_drop-in_support_group
In Christ, through Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary,
Kevin Limanta
tcc-webmaster at mit.edu
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