[TCCM] TCC Bulletin 12 May 2019
Kevin Limanta
klimanta at mit.edu
Sat May 11 20:39:58 EDT 2019
Hey friends!
Here is the bulletin for week starting on May 12, 2019. As we are moving towards the end of the semester, please check the calendar for changes in Mass and adoration times on the tcc calendar.
Bulletin link: http://web.mit.edu/tcc/archives/public/bulletin/2019/bulletin.2019-5-12.pdf
This week's main contents are:
* W11 is on MIT ID access only – so have your ID with you, and don’t hold doors open for others, please!
* End of the Year Party: We’ve made it through another school year! Come join us for a TCC celebration in the McCormick East Penthouse on Thursday, May 16th from 6-10pm.
* Modern Science and the Catholic Faith for Undergraduates
* Study St. Jerome this Summer
Weekly ongoing events:
* RCIA: Course in the Fundamentals of the Catholic Faith
* Women's discernment group
* Spaghetti Supper
* Join the Choir!
* TCC Grad Student Dinner - Wednesdays at 7:15PM on first floor of Student Center
* Integrity at MIT: Men’s Chastity Group
W11 is on MIT ID access only – so have your ID with you, and don’t hold doors open for others, please!
End of the Year Party: We’ve made it through another school year! Come join us for a TCC celebration in the McCormick East Penthouse on Thursday, May 16th from 6-10pm.
Modern Science and the Catholic Faith for Undergraduates: The Society of Catholic Scientists is sponsoring a summer seminar where students can discuss with top scholars how to integrate science and theology into their thinking. Topics include: the historical relationship of the Church and science; the relation of faith and reason; evidence for God in the existence and order of the cosmos; God and nature; primary and secondary causality; the supernatural and miracles; modern physics and natural theology; creation and providence; the beginning of the universe and modern cosmology; God and time; human origins and human distinctiveness; rationality, freedom, and the soul; physicalist reductionism and the human mind; Genesis and scriptural interpretation; biological evolution; biology and human nature; and the Fall, original sin and concupiscence. It will be held near New Orleans from 7/28-8/3. Free, with a stipend to defray travel costs. Register at: http://lumenchristi.org/seminars/1908
Study St. Jerome this Summer: St. Jerome translated the entirety of the Bible into Latin and wrote biblical commentaries that for centuries were the foundation of theology. This August 18-24, St. Benedict’s Monastery in Still River, MA will be hosting a seminar with top scholars discussing the writings of St. Jerome. Free, with a $300 travel stipend. See www.abbey.org/visit/saint-benedict-institute<http://www.abbey.org/visit/saint-benedict-institute> for application and details.
Spaghetti Suppers: Join the TCC every Friday night from 7-9 PM in the W11 Community Room.
Want to join the Choir? For details, visit bit.ly/mit-tcc-choir or email Piotr Suwara (suwara at mit.edu)
BBMSK (Back Bay Mobile Soup Kitchen): We serve homeless communities in Back Bay and Cambridge giving out socks, sandwiches, and a friendly presence to folks we come across on the street. 6:00 PM on Tuesdays at W11 or 6:00 PM on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays in front of St. Clement's Shrine. For more info, visit bbmsk.org
TCC Grad Student Dinner: Meet Wednesdays at 7:15 PM on the first floor of the Student Center (outside Anna’s Taqueria). Feel free to bring your own meal, or get something from the food court, and share in conversation and fellowship! For any questions, please contact Brandon Roach (roachb at mit.edu, cell 734-787-8727).
Integrity at MIT: Contact integrity at mit.edu for more information and times of weekly meetings.
Drop-in Grief Support Group: Tuesdays from 5–6pm in W20-30. Open to students of all religious, spiritual, moral, and ethical viewpoints. See http://calendar.mit.edu/event/life_after_loss_drop-in_support_group
In Christ,
Kevin Limanta
tcc-webmaster at mit.edu
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