[TCCM] Campus Ministry Survey

John D DiCarlo johndica at mit.edu
Mon Apr 22 13:31:08 EDT 2019

If you haven’t filled it out yet, Fr. Cadin would love some more information about ministry on campus: https://forms.gle/kJMjtJrMUNLFDzEd9 .
If you have already thank you very much!

In Christ,
John DiCarlo
(512) 987-6952

From: John D DiCarlo<mailto:johndica at mit.edu>
Sent: Monday, April 8, 2019 11:50 AM
To: tccm<mailto:tccm at mit.edu>
Subject: Campus Ministry Survey

Hey all,

Father Eric Cadin, the head of campus ministry for the Archdiocese of Boston, is looking for some insights into how students at MIT, and in general, view Faith and in what we are interested. He is looking to provide archdiocesan-wide initiatives and to research and to offer various resources that may be helpful to the TCC in our and efforts. To do so he gave Fr. Moloney some questions so we can let him know what we think.

Attached are his original questions, and I’ve put it into a Google Form so y’all can fill it out easier: https://forms.gle/kJMjtJrMUNLFDzEd9 . Answer as little or as much as you want and feel free to deviate from the specifics in the questions.

In Christ,
John DiCarlo
(512) 987-6952

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