[TCCM] Holy Week Schedule

John D DiCarlo johndica at mit.edu
Mon Apr 15 22:58:36 EDT 2019

Hey all,

There’s a few different places that certain aspects of the Holy Week Schedule are posted, so here is everything condensed into one email associated with the TCC and with FOCUS.

Tuesday, April 16th:
Little Sisters of the Poor Volunteering 9am-2pm. Please contact tcc-sc at mit.edu<mailto:tcc-sc at mit.edu> if you are interested and haven’t already.

Archdiocese of Boston Chrism Mass 11am-1am at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Please contact gregory.giangiordano at focus.org<mailto:gregory.giangiordano at focus.org> if you are interested in joining the MIT group going.

Mass at the MIT Chapel 5:15pm. Confessions after.

Wednesday, April 17th:
Mass at the MIT Chapel 7:30pm with adoration and confession after at 8pm as per usual.

Holy Thursday, April 18th:
Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:30pm.

Prayer at various churches 8:45pm-11:45pm. We will pray at the chapel then walk to St. Francis’s, St. Clement’s, and end at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and pray compline with the Cardinal. Please contact gregory.giangiordano at focus.org<mailto:gregory.giangiordano at focus.org> for details.

Good Friday, April 19th:
Tenebrae at 9am in the Chapel. Contact suwara at mit.edu<mailto:suwara at mit.edu> for details.

Walking rosaries starting outside the chapel at 12pm, 1pm, and 2pm.

Celebration of The Lord’s Passion at 3pm in the chapel.

Spaghetti supper at 7pm in the W11 community room.

Showing of the movie The Passion of Christ at 8:30pm in Simmons Dorm MPR.

Holy Saturday, April 20th:
Tenebrae at 9am in the Chapel. Contact suwara at mit.edu<mailto:suwara at mit.edu> for details.

Easter Vigil at 8:30pm in the Chapel.

Easter Vigil party after mass in W11 MDR and SDR.

Easter Sunday, April 21st:
Mass at 10am in the Chapel and 10am ONLY. It will be crowded, please sit in the seats up front first. If anyone would like to help usher please email tcc-pc at mit.edu<mailto:tcc-pc at mit.edu> .

Easter Sunday party/cookout after mass on the lawn outside the chapel.

In Christ,
John DiCarlo
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