Colleen R Foley crfoley at mit.edu
Wed Jan 10 16:27:10 EST 2018

Hello everyone,

Hope you are having a fun and restful IAP so far! This time is a great opportunity to get more involved with the TCC if you’re on campus. Below is a list of some of the things TCC has planned for IAP. There’s a lot going on, so keep a look out for updates through email and on the Tech Catholic Community GroupMe!

  *   Mass at the TCC Chapel: Sunday Mass begins again on Sunday 1/14 with the normal schedule. Daily Mass begins again on Monday 1/22 with normal schedule.
  *   Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Monday and Tuesday from 4:30-6 pm in the TCC chapel (beginning with the Rosary), starting on Monday 1/15, and Fridays from 9:30-10:30 am, starting on Friday 1/26.
  *   Morning Prayer: every weekday (Mon - Fri) in the chapel at 9 am. This is part of the Liturgy of the Hours, which you can access through the iBreviary app.
  *   Spaghetti Supper: continuing during IAP on Fridays from 7-8:15 pm in the W11 community room. Come to hang out with fellow students and missionaries and get some free, delicious spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, and desserts--especially a great opportunity for those of you who are off meal plan for IAP!
  *   Undergraduate Bible Study: one men’s and one women's bible study on MWF from 8:15-9:30 pm beginning Friday 1/12. Contact Lisa Driscoll (lisa.driscoll at focus.org<mailto:lisa.driscoll at focus.org>) if you’re interested in the women’s study or Eddie Lazzari (edmund.lazzari at focus.org<mailto:edmund.lazzari at focus.org>) if you’re interested in the men’s study.
  *   Graduate Bible Study: grad student studies will continue as scheduled from first semester. Contact Judy Beaudoin (jbeaudoi at mit.edu<mailto:jbeaudoi at mit.edu>) if you’re interested in the women’s study or Eddie Lazzari (edmund.lazzari at focus.org<mailto:edmund.lazzari at focus.org>) if you’re interested in the men’s study.
  *   Class on Aquinas Philosophy of God: 10 am-noon on MWF Jan 22 - Feb 2 in the student center, private dining room 3. Taught by FOCUS missionary Eddie Lazzari (edmund.lazzari at focus.org<mailto:edmund.lazzari at focus.org>). Walk-ins are welcome, but if you can, please email Eddie to let him know that you will be attending!
  *   Talk on Catholic apologetics resources: Ever felt like you had to say, "I don't know" to a question about the faith? Eddie Lazzari will lead you on a tour of some helpful resources we have in our church to learn and articulate the truths of our faith. Sunday 1/14 from 6:30-8 pm in W11 main dining room. Pizza will be provided!
  *   Talk on Theology of the Body: An exploration of St. John Paul II’s teaching on love, sexuality, and relationships. Tuesday 1/16 at 6:30-8 pm, location TBD. Pizza will be provided!
  *   Talk on TBD topic: Sunday 1/21 at 6:30 pm in W11 main dining room. Pizza will be provided!
  *   St. Thomas Aquinas Party: TBD on the exact day, but probably on Saturday 1/27. Be on the lookout for more info, and get excited to hang out with friends and celebrate the patron saint of students!

If you’re not a member of the GroupMe yet, you can email me to ask to be added. Info about any other spontaneous social events or groups going to adoration or mass at different churches will be announced here!!

Feel free to contact me with any questions!! :)

In Christ,

p.s. TCC is now using our Facebook page to post pictures and event updates: https://www.facebook.com/mittcc/
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