[TCCM] "Pope Francis, Laudato Sí, and Technology in Our Culture" Friday at 5:30 pm in Kresge Auditorium Room A

Colleen R Foley crfoley at mit.edu
Tue Oct 10 01:54:45 EDT 2017

Sister Damien Marie Savino — a full-time engineer in religious life — will be speaking about the role of technology in our lives and Catholic concern for the environment this Friday in Kresge Auditorium Room A.

Sister Damien Marie Savino is has been an engineer in industry and academia for 30 years (she’s currently Dean of Science and Sustainability at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan), while also serving as a Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist.

There will be dinner served at 5:30 pm, and the talk will start at 6 pm. There will be time for questions after the talk.

Facebook Event<https://www.facebook.com/events/1998260387070723/>

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