[TCCM] Write for the MIT et Spiritus
Daniel Abiola Vignon
dvignon at mit.edu
Mon Jan 23 21:35:25 EST 2017
From: Richard T Ibekwe
Sent: 22 January 2017 22:30
Subject: Write for the MIT et Spiritus
Greetings TCC friends,
We hope that you were able to read and enjoy the latest issue of the MIT et Spiritus<http://www.mitetspiritus.org>. Part of a national network of university journals called the Augustine Collective<http://augustinecollective.org/>, our goal is to serve the MIT community by writing about faith and reason as it applies to all aspects of our lives.
Call for abstracts: We want to invite you to contribute to our next issue that will be released this spring. If you would like to write an article or submit poetry/artwork, please send an email with a ~5-10 sentence abstract to etspiritus at mit.edu<mailto:etspiritus at mit.edu> by Tuesday, February 7th.
Other ways to get involved: If you would not like to write an article for the upcoming semester, but are still passionate about this vision, there are many other ways to serve. We are always looking for people to contribute to editing, layout/design, fundraising/budgeting, website management and event planning. Email us at etspiritus at mit.edu<mailto:etspiritus at mit.edu> and let us know how you'd like to serve!
In Christ,
Matthew Chun and Richard Ibekwe
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