[TCCM] TCC Bulletin (October 23, 2016)

Elizabeth Vasquez evasquez at mit.edu
Sat Oct 22 01:49:17 EDT 2016

*== TCC Bulletin (October 23, 2016) ==*
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this bulletin:

(1) From MIT to BPS: The joys and struggles of a career in education
(2) Holy Hour
(3) Praise Band
(4) Spaghetti Suppers
(5) TCC Family Bulletin Board
(6) Living Group Rosary
(7) Bible Study
(8) Melchizedek Group for Priestly Vocations
(9) First Saturdays
(10) Adoration
(11) BBMSK (the Back Bay Mobile Soup Kitchen)
(12) Taizé @ MIT
(13) FIAT
(14)  "Examinations of Conscience on the Virtue of Humility"

=== (1) From MIT to BPS: The joys and struggles of a career in education ===
For this week's Monday Night Discussion, Doctor Alexendra Montes McNeil
(B.S. Aero-Astro '91) will be talking about her 22 years working in the
Boston Public School system. Dr. McNeil is an award winning teacher and
administrator, who taught physics in one of the top magnet schools in the
country (Boston Latin), before taking a job as principal at a failing
school in East Boston and turning it around. In 2012, she was named Woman
of the Year in East Boston, and was recently named as one of the
superintendents of the BPS. A daughter of Cuban immigrants and a mother of
three, Dr. McNeil will talk about a different type of vocation and a
different way of making the world a better place through the study of
science and technology.
We’ll be meeting in W11/MDR after Mass (8:15 PM).
To receive updates about this and other formational activities, contact
tccwebmaster at mit.edu and ask to be added to our TCC-ED mailing list.

=== (2) Holy Hours ===
“So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?” Matthew 26:40.
Come help us keep our Lord company in the sacristy for an hour every Friday
from 3pm to 4pm. He yearns for our presence and wants us to experience. His
loving and healing presence.
For information on how to sign up for a 15 min slot and access the
sacristy, please email holy-hour-admin at mit.edu. The more interest the
better as we will be able to dedicate other “Holy Hours”.

=== (3) Praise Band ===
Interested in joining the Praise Band and singing at Mass with the TCC?
Your time is now!!! Join the praise band at the 5pm Mass Sunday, October
30th (practice at 4pm). Or email Katie (krpic at mit.edu) or Daniel Vignon (
dvignon at mit.edu) for more information.

=== (4) Spaghetti Suppers ===
Join the TCC every Friday night from 7-9 pm in the W11 Community Room for a
free spaghetti supper! This is a time for food, fellowship, and fun.
Contact Sabrina Song at sabrina.song at focus.org with any questions.

=== (5) TCC Family Bulletin Board ===
This is just a friendly reminder that the tcc-family-bb at mit.edu listserv is
up. If you have an MIT family and are interested in a bulletin board for
trading things with other families, or if you are an MIT single person and
interested in coordinating ways to help out MIT families (e.g.: helping
with babysitting and things of that nature), please sign up at
groups.mit.edu/webmoira, list tcc-family-bb!

=== (6) Living Group Rosary ===
Pray the Glorious Mysteries in communion with peers on campus in the
comfort of your living group, Sundays at 9 PM.
Contacts: Maseeh Hall: Emily Cimmino (203-451-1146) and Daniel Vignon
(650-963-6561) Next House: Bridget Bohlin (505-919-8377)
McCormick: Briana Chavez (915-449-9352) and Elizabeth Vazquez (956-465-8870
East Campus: Mariah Mullen (712-542-0781)
Wednesday (7:05pm (before mass) outside the Chapel): Ben Myers (517-920-2509

=== (7) Bible Study ===
Do you want to make friends in the TCC in a smaller group setting? Do you
want to learn more about God and grow in your faith? Join a small group
Bible study! Email focusmishes at mit.edu for more information.

=== (8) Melchizedek Group for Priestly Vocations ===

   -  Fr. Moloney will lead a reading and discussion group about the nature
   of the priestly vocation and how to discern if God is calling us to the
   “ancient order of Melchizedek” (Heb. 5:6, 7:17).
   - The text, To Save a Thousand Souls, is available in W11-012 for free.
   Meetings are in W20-450 at 6 PM on Wednesdays.
   - To attend doesn’t mean that you are thinking about entering the
   seminary, or even that you’re not dating. It can simply mean that you’re
   interested in supporting others think about the priesthood.
   - Contact: Ben Myers (bmyers at mit.edu).

=== (9) First Saturdays ===

   - Monthly devotion to the Virgin Mary every 1st Saturday
   - First meet in W11 and recite the Rosary, then head to St Francis in
   the Prudential for confession, meditation, adoration and mass at 12:00PM
   - Our first meet will be this Saturday, October 1st, 2016 at 10:00 AM in
   - If you have any questions, please contact Emily Cimmino (203-451-1146)
   or Daniel Vignon (650-963-6561).

=== (10) Adoration===
Mondays and Tuesdays 10-11 AM, Wednesdays 8-9 PM in the MIT Chapel

=== (11) "BBMSK (the Back Bay Mobile Soup Kitchen)" ===
We serve homeless communities in Back Bay and Cambridge giving out socks,
sandwiches, religious articles, and a friendly presence to folks we come
across on the street
When? 6:00 PM on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays in front of St. Clement's
Shrine.  For more info, visit bbmsk.org!

=== (12) Taizé @ MIT===
Ecumenical Prayer Sundays at 8 PM in the MIT Chapel. Song and stillness to
rest and pray.

=== (13) FIAT ===
Fiat is a discernment group for single women considering a vocation to
religious life in the Catholic Church. The next meeting will be held on
Wednesday, September 28, 2016, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at St. Clement
Eucharistic Shrine, 1105 Boylston St., Boston. If you are interested in
attending, please respond to Sister Marian Batho, CSJ, Delegate for
Religious, Sr_Marian_Batho at rcab.org or call 617- 746-5637.

=== (14) "Examinations of Conscience on the Virtue of Humility" ===
See the back of this week's bulletin <http://tcc.mit.edu/www/bulletin>!

May the peace and love of Christ be with you always!

The weekly bulletin can be found at http://tcc.mit.edu/www/bulletin

To Subscribe to the TCC Google Calandar follow this link
click on the "+ Google Calendar"  link at the bottom of the webpage.
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