[TCCM] TCC Bulletin (October 2, 2016)

Laura D'Aquila ldaquila at mit.edu
Sat Oct 1 18:51:03 EDT 2016

*== TCC Bulletin (October 2, 2016) ==*
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this bulletin:

(1) Basic Course in Catholicism and Rite of Christian Initiation
(2) A Spirituality for Restless Hearts: What St. Augustine’s spiritual
journey can teach us about ours
(3) Undergraduate Mocktail Party
(4) Living Group Rosary
(5) Bible Study
(6) Melchizedek Group for Priestly Vocations
(7) First Saturdays
(8) Adoration
(9) BBMSK (the Back Bay Mobile Soup Kitchen)
(10) Taizé @ MIT
(11) World Mission Sunday
(12) "Pope St. Gregory the Great on the Hierarchy of the Angels"

=== (1) Basic Course in Catholicism and Rite of Christian Initiation ===
For those interested in becoming Catholic, being Baptized, or being
Confirmed, or who are simply interested in a course in the basics of
Catholicism, please come to an organizational meeting on Sunday, October 2,
at 2:30 PM in the Small Dining Room of W11. We will discuss the process of
receiving these sacraments, and coordinate future meetings

=== (2) A Spirituality for Restless Hearts: What St. Augustine’s spiritual
journey can teach us about ours ===
At Monday Night Discussion this week (10/3), welcome Fr. Andres Niño,
O.S.A., an Augustinian priest who has taught and served as a campus
minister at several colleges. He is a psychologist and experienced
spiritual director, and will talk about how a great work of spiritual
psychology, the Confessions of St. Augustine, can help us in this era when
questions about the meaning of life are more prevalent than answers. We’ll
be meeting in Rm. 3-333 after Mass (8:15 PM). To receive updates about this
and other formational activities, contact tcc-webmaster at mit.edu and ask to
be added to our TCC-ED mailing list.

=== (3) Undergraduate Mocktail Party ===
THIS Friday, October 7 from 8-9:30 PM in the McCormick Country Kitchen!
Come get dressed up, sip a mocktail (fake cocktail), munch on hors
d'oeuvres, be entered into raffles, and learn about SEEK (an upcoming
Catholic conference happening in San Antonio, TX)!

=== (4) Living Group Rosary ===
Pray the Glorious Mysteries in communion with peers on campus in the
comfort of your living group, Sundays at 9 PM.

   - Maseeh Hall: Emily Cimmino (203-451-1146) and Daniel Vignon
   - Next House: Bridget Bohlin (505-919-8377)
   - McCormick: Briana Chavez (915-449-9352) and Elizabeth Vazquez
   - East Campus: Mariah Mullen (712-542-0781)
   - Wednesday (7:05pm (before mass) outside the Chapel): Ben Myers

=== (5) Bible Study ===
Do you want to make friends in the TCC in a smaller group setting? Do you
want to learn more about God and grow in your faith? Join a small group
Bible study! Email focusmishes at mit.edu for more information.

=== (6) Melchizedek Group for Priestly Vocations ===
Wednesdays this semester, Fr. Moloney will lead a reading and discussion
group about the nature of the priestly vocation and how to discern if God
is calling us to the “ancient order of Melchizedek” (Heb. 5:6, 7:17). The
text, To Save a Thousand Souls, is available in W11-012 for free. For the
first meeting we will read and discuss the first chapter. All meetings are
in W20-450 at 6 PM on Wednesdays. To attend doesn’t mean that you are
thinking about entering the seminary, or even that you’re not dating. It
can simply mean that you’re interested in supporting others think about the
priesthood. Anyone interested can contact Ben Myers (bmyers at mit.edu).

=== (7) First Saturdays ===

   - Monthly devotion to the Virgin Mary every 1st Saturday
   - First meet in W11 and recite the Rosary, then head to St Francis in
   the Prudential for confession, meditation, adoration and mass at 12:00PM
   - Our first meet will be this Saturday, October 1st, 2016 at 10:00 AM in
   - If you have any questions, please contact Emily Cimmino (203-451-1146)
   or Daniel Vignon (650-963-6561).

=== (8) Adoration===
Mondays and Tuesdays 10-11 AM, Wednesdays 8-9 PM in the MIT Chapel

=== (9) "BBMSK (the Back Bay Mobile Soup Kitchen)" ===
 We serve homeless communities in Back Bay and Cambridge giving out socks,
sandwiches, religious articles, and a friendly presence to folks we come
across on the street
When? 6:00 PM on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays in front of St. Clement's
Shrine.  For more info, visit bbmsk.org!

=== (10) Taizé @ MIT ===
Ecumenical Prayer Sundays at 8 PM in the MIT Chapel. Exception: 10/2 meet
in W11/Community Room. Come catch your breath and calm your spirit at this
simple evening prayer service. With music of Taizé, this evening service
includes short readings from Christian scripture, candlelight, meditative
singing, and time for silence. Grounded in the contemplative Christian
tradition, the service is open to all -- students, faculty, and community

=== (11) World Mission Sunday ===
On Sunday, October 23, there will be Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy
Cross at 11:30 AM, then the opportunity to venerate a relic of Saint
(Mother) Teresa of Calcutta! Check out Pontifical Mission Societies Boston
on Facebook for more info.

=== (12) "Pope St. Gregory the Great on the Hierarchy of the Angels" ===
See the back of this week's bulletin <http://tcc.mit.edu/www/bulletin>!

May the peace and love of Christ be with you always!

The weekly bulletin can be found at http://tcc.mit.edu/www/bulletin

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click on the "+ Google Calendar"  link at the bottom of the webpage.
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