[TCCM] TCC Bulletin (May 15, 2016)
Laura D'Aquila
ldaquila at mit.edu
Sat May 14 18:21:07 EDT 2016
*== TCC Bulletin (May 15, 2016) ==*
Pentecost Sunday
In this bulletin:
(1) Sunday Masses
(2) Weekday Masses
(3) Help us help others - Graduating students please stay in touch!
(4) Rosary in Maseeh Basement, Sundays 9 PM
(5) TCC Wednesdays
(6) Graduate Bible Study
(7) Book Club 'Ad Lucem'
(9) Cambridge Soup Kitchen
(10) School of Community
(11) Rolling Thunder
(12) Grad/Young Professional Women's Bible Study
(13) Taize @ MIT
(14) Ended Programs
(15) "Our Spiritual Journeys Continue during Vacations"
=== (1) Sunday Masses ===
On May 22 we are starting with our Summer schedule with only one Mass on
Sundays at 10 AM in the Chapel.
=== (2) Weekday Masses ===
Our Weekday Masses ended on Friday, May 13.
=== (3) Help us help others - Graduating students please stay in touch! ===
Please make sure you are listed as Catholic on WebSIS. TCC will send you an
annual newsletter to keep you up to date on our activities.
1. Log on to WebSIS (http://student.mit.edu)
2. Choose ‘For Students – Personal Records’
3. Choose ‘Biographic Record’
4. Choose ‘Optional Religious Affiliation’
=== (4) Rosary in Maseeh Basement, Sundays 9 PM ===
In continuation of our Lenten effort, please join us in praying the
Glorious Mysteries! Contact Emily C. (203-451-1146) or Daniel V. (650-963-
6561) for more information or to be tapped in!
*=== *(5) TCC Wednesdays ===
Mass at 7:30 PM (MIT Chapel). Adoration and Confessions available from 8-9
PM (MIT Chapel).
=== (6) Graduate Bible Study ===
There is a Graduate Bible Study on Thursdays at 7pm. For location and more
information contact Taylor Gill at tgill at mit.edu. *Last meeting on 5/19*.
=== (7) Book Club 'Ad Lucem' ===
We meet every Tuesday at 8-9 PM in W11/Small Dining Room. Please contact
Sara Dolcetti at sara.dolcetti at alum.mit.edu. *Last meeting on 5/17 for the
semester. For meetings during the summer contact Sara*.
=== (8) BBMSK ===
6:00 PM on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays in front of St. Clement's
Shrine. RSVP at bbmsk.org!
=== (9) Cambridge Soup Kitchen ===
Meets on Tuesday at 6 PM in W11. Travels down Mass Ave. to Central Sq.
=== (10) School of Community ===
Run by Communion and Liberation, an international ecclesial movement. For
more info contact David (campeau at mit.edu) or boston.usa.clu at gmail.com.
=== (11) Rolling Thunder ===
Rolling Thunder is a Catholic undergraduate men's fellowship and prayer
group. On Saturday mornings we pray a holy hour at St. Clement's
Eucharistic Shrine before the 11:00 Mass. We usually grab lunch together
afterwards. If you are interested in joining us, we meet up at 9:45am at
W11 to walk over to St. Clement's together. We'd love to see you there!
Contact Andrew Berta for more details (andrew92 at mit.edu or 719-660-1850).
=== (12) Grad/Young Professional Women's Bible Study ===
Meets in Davis Square in Somerville on Monday evenings, 6:45-8pm. Contact
Camille (cmcarlisle at alum.mit.edu) for more info.
=== (13) Taize @ MIT ===
Returns from our Spring Break/Holy Week/Easter hiatus on Sunday, April 3,
at 8 pm in the MIT chapel. Join us as we give thanks and sing a new song to
the Lord this Easter season.
=== (14) Ended Programs ===
- Basic Course in Catholicism
- Sunday Night Supper
- Monday Night Discussion
- Bible Study with FOCUS Missionaries
=== (15) "All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed" ===
See the back of this week's bulletin
May the peace and love of Christ be with you always!
The weekly bulletin can be found at http://tcc.mit.edu/www/bulletin
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