[TCCM] TCC Bulletin (February 21, 2016)
Laura D'Aquila
ldaquila at mit.edu
Fri Feb 19 16:01:56 EST 2016
*== TCC Bulletin (February 21, 2016) ==*
Second Sunday of Lent
In this bulletin:
(1) New Confession Time Added
(2) Basic Course in Catholicism
(3) Monday Night Discussions (MND)
(4) TCC Wednesdays
(5) Bible Study
(6) Graduate Bible Study
(7) Book Club 'Ad Lucem'
(9) Cambridge Soup Kitchen
(10) School of Community
(11) Taize @ MIT
(12) 1060 Catholic Radio Boston
(13) Lenten Dorm Prayer
(14) Women's Discernment Mini-Retreat
=== (1) New Confession Time Added ===
Fr. Moloney will now be available for Confessions on Mondays before Mass
starting at 7 PM.
=== (2) Basic Course in Catholicism ===
This course will be held on Sundays at 2:30 PM in W11/ Small Dining Rm. *Not
happening on 2/14*.
*=== *(3) Monday Night Discussions (MND) ===
Mondays 8 PM - 9:15 PM in W11/Main Dining Room. The goal of this forum is
for participants to hold discussions about certain questions of faith as
they relate to their intellectual experiences and expectations. *2/22: MND
will be celebrating the "Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter". (Look out for
an email with more details.)*
*=== *(4) TCC Wednesdays ===
Mass at 7:30 PM (MIT Chapel). Adoration and Confessions available from 8-9
PM (MIT Chapel).
=== (5) Bible Study ===
For more information contact one of the FOCUS Missionaries or email
john.powers at focus.org
=== (6) Graduate Bible Study ===
In addition there is a Graduate Bible Study that runs Thursday 6-7 PM
in W11/SDR. For more information please contact Taylor Gill at tgill at mit.edu
. *For start-up date, email Taylor or check future bulletins*.
=== (7) Book Club 'Ad Lucem' ===
We meet every Tuesday at 8-9 PM in W11/Small Dining Room. Please contact
Sara Dolcetti at sara.dolcetti at alum.mit.edu.
=== (8) BBMSK ===
6:00 PM on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays in front of St. Clement's
Shrine. RSVP at bbmsk.org!
=== (9) Cambridge Soup Kitchen ===
Meets on Tuesday at 6 PM in W11. Travels down Mass Ave. to Central Sq.
=== (10) School of Community ===
Run by Communion and Liberation, an international ecclesial movement. For
more info contact David (campeau at mit.edu) or boston.usa.clu at gmail.com.
=== (11) Taize @ MIT ===
Song & Stillness: Taizé @ MIT, weekly Sunday evening ecumenical
contemplative prayer returns to the MIT chapel on January 10 at 8 PM.
Please join us as we celebrate Epiphany, the revelation of Christ’s light
and mission in the world, in scripture and song. Catch your breath and calm
your spirit at this simple evening prayer service grounded in the
contemplative Christian tradition. The service of short readings from
scripture, candlelight, meditative singing and time for silence is open to
all. A time of fellowship follows the prayer service.
=== (12) 1060 Catholic Radio Boston ===
Homilies for Lent 2016 Initiative. Father Dan Moloney will be the guest
homilist on 1060 Catholic Radio Boston on the Monday after the second
Sunday of Lent, February 22, the Feast of the Chair of Peter. Please tune
to 1060 A.M., five minutes before the hour at noon, 1:00, 3:00 and 6:00 to
hear Father Moloney's homily, or listen at 1060Catholic.org, on the mobile
App: Catholic Radio Boston, or on your phone at 712-832-8010.
=== (13) Lenten Dorm Prayer ===
What better way to spend Lent than in prayer, and in your own dorm!
- Sundays: 9 PM Maseeh media room rosary (contact Emily Cimmino for
info: 203-451-1146)
- Tuesdays: 6 PM evening prayer (vespers) in the chapel (contact Bridget
Bohlin: 505-919-8377)
- Fridays: 3 PM rosary in Simmons (Tomas Cabrera: 303-519-3955). 6 PM
rosary on East Campus (Mariah Mullen: 712-542-0781)
=== (14) Women's Discernment Mini-Retreat ===
You are cordially invited to an Afternoon of Reflection for Women
Discerning Religious Life on Sunday, February 28, 2016 from 1:00 – 5:00
p.m. at Sisters of Saint Joseph, 631 Cambridge St., Brighton, MA
02135. The #57 bus stops outside the door. For more information or to
reply, please contact Sister Marian Batho, CSJ 2 617-746-5637 or
Sr_Marian_Batho at rcab.org.
May the peace and love of Christ be with you always!
The weekly bulletin can be found at http://tcc.mit.edu/www/bulletin
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