[TCCM] TCC Bulletin (August 28, 2016)

Elizabeth Vasquez evasquez at mit.edu
Sat Aug 27 21:16:46 EDT 2016

*== TCC Bulletin (August 28, 2016) ==*
The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this bulletin:

(1) Regular Mass Schedule
(2) Grad/ Families Dinner
(3) Orientation Week Events
(5) Cambridge Soup Kitchen
(6) School of Community
(7) "It cannot be that the son of these tears should perish."

=== (1) Regular Mass Schedule ===
TCC's Regular Mass Schedule starting September 4: Sunday Masses at 9:30 AM,
1 PM, and 5 PM. Starting September 6: Weekday Masses on Tuesday and Friday
at 12:05 PM and Monday and Wednesday at 7:30 PM.

=== (2) Grad/ Families Dinner ===

   - Come for free food,find out more about what the Tech Catholic
   Community has to offer AND have fun with other young Catholics
   - All grad students, families, staff and young professionals are welcome
   to attend
   - September 13, 6-8 PM, Main Dining Room of W-11

 Hope to see you there!

=== (3) Orientation Week Events ===

   - Glowstick Capture the Flag: 8/29 - 9 PM - meet in front of the Chapel
   - Glow-in-the-Dark Ultimate Frisbee: 8/30 - 9 PM – meet in front of the
   - Mass,Adoration and Confessions: 8/31 - 7:30 - 8:30 PM / MIT Chapel –
   Take a break from the craziness of orientation week and join us in the
   Chapel. Social afterwards at 8:30 PM/W11-Main Dining Room
   - Scavenger Hunt: 9/2 – 7-9 PM – meet in front of the Chapel
   - Divine Mercy and Marshmallows: 9/3 – 3-5 PM / W11-Community Room
   - Welcome/Welcome Back BBQ: 9/4 -2-5 PM –Kresge BBQ pits. Join us after
   the 1 PM Mass. Food and good people
   -  Ice Cream Social: 9/5 - 3-5 PM W11/Community Room (#155)

=== (4) Cambridge Soup Kitchen ===
6:00 PM on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays in front of St. Clement's
Shrine. RSVP at bbmsk.org!

=== (5) Cambridge Soup Kitchen ===
Meets on Tuesday at 6 PM in W11. Travels down Mass Ave. to Central Sq.

=== (6) School of Community ===
Run by Communion and Liberation, an international ecclesial movement. For
more info contact David (campeau at mit.edu) or boston.usa.clu at gmail.com.

=== (7) "It cannot be that the son of these tears should perish." ===
See the back of this week's bulletin

May the peace and love of Christ be with you always!

The weekly bulletin can be found at http://tcc.mit.edu/www/bulletin
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