[TCCM] TCC Bulletin (October 18, 2015)

Laura D'Aquila ldaquila at mit.edu
Tue Oct 20 15:00:49 EDT 2015

*== TCC Bulletin (October 18, 2015) ==*

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this bulletin:

(1) TCC Fall Retreat

(2) So You Want to Be a Saint

(3) Monday Night Discussions (MND)

(4) Friday Night Supper

(5) Bible Study

(6) Graduate Bible Study

(7) Book Club 'Ad Lucem'

(8) TCC Wednesdays


(10) School of Community

=== (1) TCC Fall Retreat ===

Thank you for keeping the members of TCC on retreat last weekend in your

=== (2) So You Want to Be a Saint ===

Wed. at 6:30 PM in W11 Small Dining Room. Fr. Moloney leads a weekly
discussion-based class on a variety of themes regarding how to live
out every Christian’s call to be holy. Themes vary from week-to-week,
ranging from the practical to the highfalutin. Suggestions for class themes
are appreciated. Attendance at previous sessions is not required, nor is
extensive Catholic formation.

*=== *(3) Monday Night Discussions (MND) ===

Mondays 8 PM - 9:15 PM in W11/Main Dining Room. The goal of this forum is
for participants to hold discussions about certain questions of faith as
they relate to their intellectual experiences and expectations. Generally,
there are pre-defined topics for discussion but participants can suggest
other topics too. Guest speakers are often invited to contribute their
expert knowledge to the discussion. Pizza will be served.

=== (4) Friday Night Supper ===

7 PM in W11/Community Room. Come join us for prayer, food, and fun.

=== (5) Bible Study ===

Interested in growing in your faith? Consider joining a small group Bible
Study! Bible studies meet everyday at different times according to the
member's schedules. For more information contact one of the FOCUS
Missionaries or email john.powers at focus.org

=== (6) Graduate Bible Study ===

In addition there is a Graduate Bible Study that runs Thursday 6-7 PM
in W11/SDR. For more information please contact Taylor Gill at tgill at mit.edu

=== (7) Book Club 'Ad Lucem' ===

>From the Latin for 'To the light' the objective of this group is to shed
light on critical texts that explore important aspects of our faith. We
meet every Tuesday at 8-9 PM in W11/Small Dining Room. Please contact Sara
Dolcetti at sara.dolcetti at alum.mit.edu.

=== (8) TCC Wednesdays ===
Mass at 7:30 PM (MIT Chapel). Adoration and Confessions available from 8-9
PM (MIT Chapel). Fellowship after Mass in W11/MDR.

=== (9) BBMSK ===
The Back Bay Mobile Soup Kitchen is a Catholic service group dedicated to
helping the homeless on the streets of Boston. We meet at 6:00 PM on
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays in front of St. Clement's Shrine, pray,
and then hit the streets. RSVP at bbmsk.org today!

=== (10) School of Community ===
Run by Communion and Liberation, an international ecclesial movement. For
more info contact David (campeau at mit.edu) or boston.usa.clu at gmail.com.

May the peace and love of Christ be with you always!

The weekly bulletin can be found at http://tcc.mit.edu/www/bulletin
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