[TCCM] Summer Bulletin (August 2010)
Tony Valderrama
tvald at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 4 17:07:57 EDT 2010
** TCC Summer Bulletin (August 2010) **
In this bulletin:
(1) T-shirts!
(2) Summer schedule
(3) Saint Anthony's Feast [8/27-8/29]
(4) Help out with kickoff events!
May the peace and love of Christ be with you always!
** (1) T-shirts! **
Just in time for orientation, we will be ordering t-shirts for the TCC.
Check out the design here:
If you want one, now is your chance to place an order! Please send the
following to Maita Esteban (mesteban at mit.edu) by Sunday, August 8:
Your name
T-shirt size
E-mail address
Phone number (Just so I have two ways to contact you.)
The cost of the shirt is $15.
** (2) Summer schedule**
Mass: 10am Sunday
Friday night socials - 7pm on 8/6 and 8/20 in W11
The regular schedule will resume on Sunday, 9/5.
** (3) Help out with kickoff events! **
The TCC Orientation team has been busy planning events for the first
couple weeks of the semester! Contact tcc-orientation at mit.edu if you
can help out.
Saint Anthony's Feast (8/27-8/29):
Don't miss the "Feast of All Feasts", the largest Italian religious
festival in New England, right here in the North End!
Activities Midway (9/3):
Talk to new students about TCC!
Semester kickoff (9/11):
Join us for an evening of fellowship and prayer. Meet the rest of your
Catholic community at MIT!
Welcome Back BBQ (9/12):
You're probably hungry after your first week of classes. Join us for a
delicious community lunch after the 1pm Mass.
** (4) Saint Anthony's Feast 8/27-8/29 **
Don't miss the "Feast of All Feasts", right here in Boston's North End!
This is one of the largest Italian-American Catholic festivals in the
United States. We'll be organizing daily outings, so keep an eye on
http://tcc.mit.edu/www/a/stanthony2010.html for the final schedule!
More details can be found at http://www.stanthonysfeast.com/
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