[TCCM] IAP Class on Augustine's Confessions

Joe Papp jcpapp at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 3 08:17:52 EST 2008

Members of TCC,
Dr. Ann Orlando will be leading an IAP not-for-credit class on Augustine's
Confessions Monday nights from 7:00-9:00pm in W11.  Dinner will be provided
each week.  Ann is a professor at St. John's Seminary in Boston and a
housemaster at Ashdown.  
TCC will provide a copy of the Confessions to all participants, so there is
no need to buy one.  The reading assignments should only take a couple hours
each week. 
Monday, Jan 7: Introduction to Augustine and Confessions, background on
books I-IV. 
Home reading assignment: read books I-IV
Monday, Jan 14: Discuss books I-IV as a group, then background on books
Home reading assignment: read books V-VIII
Monday, Jan 21: Discuss books V-VIII as a group, then background on books
Home reading assignment: read books IX-XI
Monday, Jan 28: Discuss books IX-XI as a group, then what happens to
Augustine after the Confessions
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 
Hope to see you there!
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