[TCCM] Events for the Week of 9/23
Joe Pokora
jpokora at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 25 09:34:14 EDT 2007
This is MIT's Tech Catholic Community's (TCC) weekly email.
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TCC Events for the Week of 9/23
- Meet TCC People in Your Residence/Course
- Eucharistic Ministers Needed for 5pm Mass
- Save the Date...
- Mass Times
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Divine Mercy Chaplet
- Monday Nights
- Graduate Scripture Study
- Graduate Student Volunteer Day
Sign-ups and one-time events
- Meet TCC People in Your Residence/Course
We are trying to pair newcomers to current students within our community
based on residence and courses. Interested? Sign up after mass or email
Nabila (nmagila at mit.edu)
- Eucharistic Ministers Needed for 5pm Mass
We really need more EMS for the 5pm Mass. If you can attend the 5pm Mass
and want to serve your community by being a Eucharistic Minister, Please
contact Jocelyn (jtchin at mit.edu)
- Save the Date...
TCC Fall Retreat at the Franciscan Retreat Center in Kennebunkport, Maine
October 26-28, 2007
Ongoing Events
- Mass Times
Mass is held Tuesdays and Fridays when classes are in session at 12:05
in the MIT Chapel and on Sunday at 9:30 am, 1:00 pm, and 5:00 pm in the
MIT Chapel.
- Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday evenings 7-8pm in the MIT Chapel.
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
For those interested in receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation, Fr.
Clancy is offering regular hours for confessions on Wednesday evenings
from approximately 7-8pm (during Eucharistic Exposition) in the lower
level of the chapel. For more information, please contact Fr. Clancy at
clancyrf at comcast.net
- Divine Mercy Chaplet
Every first Friday of the Month, 3pm, Chapel
- Monday Nights
Every Monday Night (7-9pm), when school is in session, we have a free
dinner and discussion. We are in need of additional help in coordinating
the dinners and speakers this semester. If you would like to help,
please contact Joe (jcpapp at mit.edu)
** Sep 24 - TBA
- Graduate Scripture Study
Every Wednesday at 6pm in W11 Small Dining Room. This semester, the
Gospel of Saint Luke will be examined. Contact Elizabeth
(e_basha at mit.edu) for more information.
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