[TCCM] Events for the Week of 1/21
Joe Pokora
jpokora at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 22 02:20:36 EST 2007
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TCC Events for the Week of 1/21
- Spring Retreat
- Mass Schedule
- During IAP...
- Young Women's Conference
- Vocation Discernment Retreat with Cardinal Sean O'Malley
Sign-ups and one-time events
- Spring Retreat
In Bethel, Maine.
Depart Feb. 9 @ 5pm/ w11
Return Feb. 11 @ 10am/ Chapman Inn
Sign up after Mass or email <catholic at mit.edu>
- Mass Schedule
Our Regular Sunday Schedule: 9:30, 1:00, &5:00
(Tuesday & Friday 12:05 masses resume on Feb. 6)
- During IAP...
**There will be no daily prayer for the entire duration of IAP
**There will be no donuts served at the 1pm and the 5pm masses
**Monday nights will also only resume after IAP
Ongoing Events
Volunteer Opportunities
Non-TCC Events (Catholic and Interdenominational)
- Young Women's Conference
Coming to Boston on February 17, 2007 at the Marist Center in Framingham.
The Gift of Sexuality: John Paul II's Theology of the Body. A day-long
conference for young women. From 9am to 7pm. Cost: $35/ person, $30 for
groups of 8 or more if registered before Feb. 17. For more information,
contact Emily Brennan at (616) 304-6058 or erbren06 at gmail.com
- Vocation Discernment Retreat with Carndinal Sean O'Malley
The Vocation Office for the Archdiocese of Boston is hosting a retreat
from Friday Feb. 2, 4pm until Sunday Feb. 4, 12 noon. This retreat,
preached and directed by Cardinal Sean, is open to men who are
discerning marriage, priesthood, and vocation in general and are open to
the possibility of the vocation to the priesthood. For more info about
how to receive an inviatation, please contact Fr. Dan Hennessey,
Vocation Director, at dhennessey at rcab.org or phone (617) 746-5949 or see
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