[TCCM] Events for the Week of 11/5
Joe Pokora
jpokora at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 6 21:17:08 EST 2006
This is MIT's Tech Catholic Community's (TCC) weekly email.
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TCC Events for the Week of 11/5
- No Mass on Nov 10
= Filipino Mass
- Publicity Help
- Mass Times
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Monday Nights
- Graduate Scripture Study
- Religion and Science Discussion
Sign-ups and one-time events
- No Mass on Nov 10
No 12:05 Mass on Nov. 10 due to Veteran's Day Holiday
- Filipino Mass
Sunday, December 19th @ 1pm
In English with Filipino Choir. All are invited.
- Publicity Help
Do you live on Campus? Do you pass by a bulletin board every day? Help
us in publicizing our events. Just email Steve (steve_e at mit.edu) and let
him know which dorm/lab/infinite corridor location you can help us with.
All we need is for your to put posters up a few times during the semester.
Ongoing Events
- Mass Times
Mass is held Tuesdays and Fridays when classes are in session at 12:05
in the MIT Chapel and on Sunday at 9:30 am, 1:00 pm, and 5:00 pm in the
MIT Chapel.
- Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday evenings 7-8pm in the MIT Chapel.
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
For those interested in receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation, Fr.
Clancy is offering regular hours for confessions on Wednesday evenings
from approximately 7-8pm (during Eucharistic Exposition) in the lower
level of the chapel. For more information, please contact Fr. Clancy at
clancyrf at comcast.net
- Monday Nights
Monday night pasta plus is held in the W11 Main Dining Room from 7-9pm
and includes dinner.
** Nov 06 - TBA
** Nov 13 - Little Sisters of the Poor on Woman's Religious Life
- Graduate Scripture Study
Father Clancy will lead the Graduate Scripture Study group in exploring
Romans and Galatians this semester. We will meet Wednesdays at 6pm.
11/8 is in W11 SDR.
Volunteer Opportunities
Non-TCC Events (Catholic and Interdenominational)
- Religion and Science Discussion
On November 6th, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, MIT Student Pugwash will have a lunch
discussion with Rev. Amy McCreath, the Episcopal Campus Minister at MIT
and the coordinator of the Technology and Culture Forum. She will speak
about the diversity of views that various religious groups have on
science. Please RSVP at: Christopher Sequiera: csequier at mit.edu.
More information about the TCCM
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