[TCCM] Events for the week of 10/17
Paul H. Elliott
pelliott at MIT.EDU
Sun Oct 16 21:23:41 EDT 2005
This is MIT's Tech Catholic Community's (TCC) weekly email.
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For up-to-date information: http://web.mit.edu/tcc/www/
TCC Events for 10/17
- Mid-Week Mass Schedule
- Monday Night
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Graduate Scripture Study
- Undergraduate Scripture Study
- Interdenominational Scripture Study
- Theology of the Body Study
- Assistant web-master requested
- Rosie's Place
Sign-ups and one-time events
Ongoing Events
- Mid-Week Mass
Join us Teusday and Friday for Mass from 12:05pm - ~12:35pm in the Chapel.
- Monday Nights
Looking for free food and an opportunity to meet other Catholics at MIT while
you learn? You should come to Monday Night where we'll provide a FREE home
cooked meal. This week come learn how to make rosaries for soldiers abroad
with ROTC. See you at 7 in
W11 MDR!
Questions? Contact aposada at mit.edu
Want to cook? Contact steve_e at mit.edu
- Eucharistic Adoration
Join us Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:00pm for Eucharistic Adoration in the
=== These events occur every week and have not changed since last week ===
- Graduate Student Scripture Study (e_basha at mit.edu)
- Undergraduate Scripture Study (joel_f at mit.edu)
- Interdenominational Scripture Study (joel_f at mit.edu)
- Theology of the Body Study (e_basha at mit.edu)
Volunteer Opportunities
-Assistant webmaster requested
TCC is requesting someone to take the role of assistant webmaster. The
responsibility is simple. Just send out the weekly TCCM emails and be the
contact person for those who need to advertise something in the email. If
you're interested in helping with this please email Joel (joel_f at mit.edu) or
Paul (pelliott at mit.edu).
- Rosie's Place
This Saturday, October 22, from 4-7pm, we will help cook and serve dinner
for homeless women and children. To sign up and/or for more information,
contact Xanat (xanatf at mit.edu) or Jeanne (jlafor at mit.edu).
Non-TCC Events (Catholic and Interdenominational)
More information about the TCCM
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