[TCCM] TCCM email week of 10/8
joel_f at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 10 14:09:24 EDT 2005
This is MIT's Tech Catholic Community's (TCC) weekly email.
To unsubscribe use the list web page:
For up-to-date information: http://web.mit.edu/tcc/www/
TCC Events for 10/1
- Fall Retreat
- Coffee & Donut Help Wanted
- Confirmation Program help requested
- Assistant web-master requested
- Monday Night
- Graduate Scripture Study
- Undergraduate Scripture Study
- Interdenominational Scripture Study
- Theology of the Body Study
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Mid-Week Mass Schedule
Sign-ups and one-time events
- Fall Retreat
Join us October 14-16 on retreat in Kennebunkport, Maine! We leave at 5pm in
buses for a prayer-filled, relaxing, free trip! Sign-up with Father Paul at
catholic at mit.edu.
- Coffee & Donut Help Wanted
TCC's after Mass Coffee & Donut events need your help to keep happening! Very
little time commitment-set out donuts and make coffee before Mass, clean up
after people leave.
Questions or interested in helping? Contact Ashley (predith at mit.edu).
-Confirmation Program help requested
St. Mary of the Anunciation Church near Central Square is looking for some
volunteers to help with their confirmation program for an hour and a half every
other Sunday evening. If you're interested please contact Joel at
joel_f at mit.edu
-Assistant webmaster requested
TCC is requesting someone to take the role of assistant webmaster. The
responsibility is simple. Just send out the weekly TCCM emails and be the
contact person for those who need to advertise something in the email. If
you're interested in helping with this please email joel_f at mit.edu
Ongoing Events
- Monday Nights
Looking for free food and an opportunity to meet other Catholics at MIT while
you learn? You should come to Monday Night where we'll provide a FREE home
cooked meal. This week come listen to a talk on St. James Road. See you at 7 in
W11 MDR!
Questions? Contact aposada at mit.edu
Want to cook? Contact steve_e at mit.edu
- Graduate Student Scripture Study
Interested in discussing the details of scripture? Join us Tuesday from 6-7pm!
We will be meeting in 32-D451 and discussing 2nd Corinthians Ch 6-7. (If you
look on MIT Maps, they have floor level schematics for Stata so you can find
the room. D means that it is the tower closest to Bldg 36 and the rest of
Mailing list: tcc-ssg
For more info contact: e_basha at mit.edu.
- Undergraduate Scripture Study
This Bible Study meets on Thursdays at 8:30 in McCormick. It usually runs for
about an hour. The format of the study is basically reading, meditating on, and
discussing the Gospel for the following Sunday's Mass during the first part,
and then either listening to or reading something of Catholic interest and
discussing it which will be selected at the first meeting this Thursday(9/15).
Mailing list: compass-pe
For more info contact: joel_f at mit.edu
- Interdenominational Scripture Study
Interested in discussing Scripture with other Catholics and non-Catholic
Christians? This study chooses topics in advance about which Catholics and
other Christians usually disagree and then seeks to come to a better
understanding of these through Scripture as well as readings from the early
Church Fathers. It meets every other Thursday in W11 starting 10/6 from 7
Mailing list: tcc-ibs
For more info contact: joel_f at mit.edu
- Theology of the Body Study
Join us for a study of John Paul II's Theology of the Body! We are using a
prepared study focusing on a commentary of his theology as well as writings by
John Paul II outlining his theology. We meet every Thursday at 7pm in W11.
Contact Elizabeth (e_basha) with any questions.
- Eucharistic Adoration
Join us Tuesday at 7:00pm for Eucharistic Adoration in the
Chapel. NO Adoration on Wednesday this week!
- Mid-Week Mass
Join us Teusday and Friday for Mass from 12:05pm - ~12:35pm in the Chapel.
Volunteer Opportunities
Non-TCC Events (Catholic and Interdenominational)
Explore "The Bigger Picture"
"The Bigger Picture" is a weekly discussion group for MIT students who want a
place to talk about their concerns about the spiritual and ethical dimensions
of your work in an open, non-judgmental, interfaith environment. We meet
weekly from 6-7:30pm (Mondays or Tuesday, TBA) for light dinner and
conversation. For more information: jhamilton at hds.harvard.edu Sponsored by
The Technology and Culture Forum at MIT.
tccm at mit.edu is a moderated list for announcements to the
Tech Catholic Community. For more information about the list,
including the ability to subscribe and unsubscribe, visit
More information about the TCCM
mailing list