[TCCM] [Fwd: Honduras publicity]
Elizabeth Basha
e_basha at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 12 16:55:03 EST 2005
An opportunity to help others using all those skills you've gained with
your MIT education!
-------- Original Message --------
I hope you might be able to pass along a new service learning opportunity.
You may be interested in FloodSafe Honduras, an international
engineering and planning service project that is just getting under way
at MIT. Our goals are to install a flood early warning system in
vulnerable coastal areas of northern Honduras and to conduct an
additional social needs assessment in the area, and then to work to meet
these needs and foster an ongoing relationship. Students will have the
opportunity both to work at MIT and/or to travel to Honduras (fully
funded!). This is sponsored by the Lutheran-Episcopal Chaplaincy and
open to all students. Please see the announcement below and flier
attached. Thank you!
Kristen Bethke
Graduate Student Coordinator,
FloodSafe Honduras Project
*FloodSafe Honduras: A Warning System and Development Project*
*Join the FloodSafe Honduras Project.*
The FloodSafe Honduras project begins February 2005 and will refine and
install an* early warning system* in the villages of the Río Aguan Basin
in northern Honduras to notify 10,000 people of impending
life-threatening floods. The project will also address quality-of-life
needs, by completing a needs* assessment* and bringing* educational and
medical supplies* to the flood-threatened communities. * All MIT
students* - engineers and non-engineers, those willing to travel to
Honduras and those who will help from MIT - are invited to participate.
FloodSafe needs students to assist in technical, social research,
organizational, outreach, and many other roles.
FloodSafe Honduras is sponsored by the Lutheran Episcopal Ministry at
MIT and funded for $25,000 over two years by Thrivent Financial for
*Find out more.*
*FloodSafe Honduras Information Session**
January 20, 4:30 pm*
*20 Chimneys, 3rd Floor, W20 Student Center*
**Contact Information and Further Details:*
Kristen Bethke, Graduate Student, Project Coordinator <kbethke at mit.edu>
Rev. Johanna Kiefner, Project Director and Chaplain, Lutheran Episcopal
Ministry <jkiefner at mit.edu>
The prototype early warning system for FloodSafe Honduras was developed
by graduate student Elizabeth Basha and several other students of
"DLAB," a two-semester sequence of courses at MIT that focuses on
appropriate technologies for developing countries. The DLAB team's
simple solar-powered system uses wireless networks to convey water level
information to an information hub that processes the information and
sounds an alarm when deadly flooding is imminent. The warning system is
being developed in partnership with the Honduran organization Centro
Técnico San Alonso Rodríguez.
FloodSafe Honduras is an externally-funded continuation of the DLAB
project, and it is an exciting opportunity for all MIT students. Plans
included three student trips to Honduras; the installation of the flood
warning system; a social, educational, and health needs assessment of
the floodplain areas still recovering from Hurricane Mitch; and outreach
in the Boston area for help in meeting those needs.
We hope to involve students from throughout the MIT community, from all
faiths and with a variety of skills and experiences.
Kristen Bethke
Graduate Student
MIT Man-Vehicle Lab
(617) 258-7552
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